Remove the 50 character limit


Not that it matters, multi-boxing is allowed. I do it on daily basis farming herbs and ores. I just alt-tab or alt-ESC between windows, super fast and easy. I even sometimes multi-box when I level.

You just canā€™t use any hardware/software to replicate keystrokes anymore. Doesnā€™t slow me down, I still farm and/or level with utter ease.

It would be nice to have a character limit increase. I have four accounts, so I salute this thread.

Blizzard has listened to every thing else lately, PSSST, Blizzardā€¦ LISTTEN to this one too!!!


No concern at all you can horde as many as you want already.

The deadder already whapped me with a newspaper on that one.

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Iā€™ve deleted so many old characters because I just enjoy leveling through content (not shadowlands, obviously). Yes please.


Someone, somewhere saw that statement and said ā€œchallenge acceptedā€.


i got 49 alts (only cause i wanna keep one slot free for emergencies), i wish we had more slots too, cause i like rolling alts due to the roleplay potential of the race/class combos.


Mine is turning into a Mugen character select:

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Honestly, I was against this for the longest time.

But after the 9.0 Content Drought, Iā€™m very close to running out of room, as alts were what got me through the drought.

Yes, please extend the limit.


just make it for every level 60 you get you get 1 extra character slot up to 100


Shamelessly bumping because its still not a thing and it really need to be. Come on Blizz, make my dreams come true.


Outdated limitation. With all the new races and everything, we really need a higher cap. Just my opinion. I delete all my toons after a while, or have done that. Trying to stop but, ya. Iā€™ve easily got up to near the cap before doing this. I think it would help me not to do it. Make it 100 or something.


Fifty really hasnā€™t been enough since all the allied races came out in BFA.


Thatā€™s a pretty good idea. Would be cool if they did something like that!

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Please up the limit! Thanks!


At 0.03% drop rate even with a 100 chances on 100 characters per day will still probably take 3-4 years.

Though I cannot imagine trying to spam that dungeon a 100 times a day for the rocket. Even if they up the Character limit to 100.

Hrmm just removing probably wouldnā€™t be tenable. Perhaps easing the ability to log into a second account would be good. Or like being able to combine maybe (though even this feels kinda over the top)

WoW has a pretty sweet character limit but with any game there are people who push the limit in terms of performance, arena, M+, PvP and apparently character slots too. :joy: Nothing wrong with that though online character hoarding addicts group might need to be made.

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They can hard cap it at 150 or 200. As if anyone is going to make 200 Characters anytime soon.


Iā€™m used to hating my life :slight_smile: