Remove Tanks from Solo Shuffle

Yes, and I appreciate them for that. I’ll usually go 5-1 or 6-0 in tank shuffles because I’m just killing a little priest, mage, shaman or whatever while their guardian tries to pad damage and lets them die. :dracthyr_comfy_sip:

It’s just concerning how much of a negative impact it’ll have on newcomers relative to getting to play with a healer that’s actually interested in playing their role.

Rofl, I don’t think you know what that word means. Just as a reminder: you’re entirely free to just be like, “Yeah, my bad. My voice doesn’t actually have a place in this conversation.” Having a thought doesn’t mean it has to be expressed every time. If you see PvP as a mini-game then, ya know, just try your best to reign in your narcissism and keep those thoughts to yourself. The world does not revolve around you.

I’ve done battle pets, but if people for whom it is their primary game activity are talking about a change to it I’m not going to insist that my passing thoughts on the change are as valid as theirs. That conversation is not for me. I have enough self-awareness and basic respect to not try and warp the conversation around my opinions on what I consider to be a mini-game.

Maybe for you. Some people enjoy tank queues. I’d much rather a two dps and a tank group compared to a three dps group. If you disagree then that’s just silly in my view.
But people pick what hills they want to die on and pvp is a mini game imo.

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It seems you are highly emotionally invested into solo shuffle and as such it is of utmost importance that your opinion be the only correct one.

This is fine, but perhaps you should take a step back and start fresh with your own point of view instead of attacking others and calling them liars.

Just my two cents. Best of luck!

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The irony of this being posted after me posting this:

I sincerely will never understand the level of entitlement and self-absorption that people like you operate with.

I am, yes. I care about PvP. PvP is the primary reason I play the game. I am here discussing this topic because I care about it. Where I am not is in threads regarding topics that I don’t care much about, but which I am nonetheless spamming because I think I’m the main character in life and every thought I have about anything ever needs to be heard because I’m just such an important, special little boy like my mommy told me all those times. That would be your thing and I do try to avoid stepping on people’s toes.

A much better idea is that you just stop lying.

Saw someone post tanks are now showing up as DPS on the beta.

Big if true.

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Why is it ALWAYS people who don’t PvP or are maxed out at 14/1500 who LOVE to shell out the worst opinions on PvP lol.

Head on over to the arena forums and take a look at how much people dislike tanks in shuffle.

On retail and beta, people are straight up ditching tank games or completely throwing to spite the tanks.

God forbid you play a mage and run into a tank game, you’re screwed, and your cr/mmr gets trashed because you can’t function in an arena environment without a healer or rogue that can peel/setup for you.

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To be fair, we do have 15 years of evidence that shows that the dps/dps/healer is the ideal meta layout for arena.
It’s very hard to dispute that as a fact.

I love coming on here to look at the clowns that are trying to defend tanks in rated Arena/Solo Shuffle. :rofl:

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Bear is too much fun. Sorry y’all are so damn salty.

Blizz allows it - for now :upside_down_face:

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I was so stoked for Solo Shuffle. Finally a way for solo players to grind up arena rating.
There’s always some garbage outlier like letting tank que as healer for shorter ques.

The day I que into 3 Tank matches back to back im done with shuffle LOL.

I feel like tank specs need a place in pvp. There are far too few of them playing already. Perhaps they could be tuned differently in pvp, or some of their abilities could have some functions on their abilities that unlock against players. Like taunt acting like the “duel” pvp talent. It probably would never happen though. =(

Big if true.

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You completely missed the point and dont understand how game altering it is for classes that rely on a healer in threes to not have a healer in 3s.


6 uncoordinated matches with healers can get very, very lengthy unless the usual 50k hp DH joins up… which i… might be relieved to see now, actually

All you fresh geared 60s que on up! :heart: make my solo shuffle matches faster~

:dizzy: :rabbit:

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Sorry people who wanted Prot Warriors as their “Healer”, it ain’t gonna fly.

This is a good change.

That sounds like a tactics issue rather than a class one.

You sound like someone that has never broken 1700 in arena too.

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“Protection Paladins will remain classified as “healers” and will only be placed in matches where the other healer is also a Protection Paladin.”

They will still be classified as “healers” but all the rest are DPS,