Remove Tanks from Solo Shuffle

That’s my point… They’ll, instead, choose to queue a mode where they can pick their own team. You literally just repeated exactly what I said in some weird attempt to one-up me somehow?

Tanks don’t heal teammates.

Like how is this hard to understand ? It was pretty damn clear from OP.

So you really haven’t played it, but you’ve now decided you prefer it just to piss off people trying to give legit feedback.

People like you are the worst.

Then they should be slotted in as a dps, and not as a replacement to the healer.

My god it’s like you people don’t understand that some change is required, you insist on the status quo for a system that’s been in game for like 2 minutes.

“It’s always been this way! We can’t change 120 seconds of history just like that!”.


Nope, not playing until launch. I have spent many hours watching friends play on discord though, which is where I formed my opinion. They all love the tank games and have a good time with them.

And just to be clear, I’m not trying to piss people off my opinion. Looks very fun to me and my friends definitely are having a good time.

If you can’t handle someone else’s opinion without getting pissed off, you should research on how to handle different opinions civily.

Then you don’t get to participate in the discussion until launch.


You aren’t the gatekeeper my dude.

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Uninformed opinions are just basically trolling. You literally just admitted to having no clue and just being here to disturb the thread.

Read the CoC about how that isn’t tolerated around here.

Just because some arrives at a different opinion than you and finds different things fun while you do not, does not mean they are trolling.

Again, you should research on how to handle different opinion with civility and not make fake accusations.

You haven’t arrived at anything, you admitted to not even having played a game.

Hence, I’m simply now reporting your post for trolling and not going to respond further. You’re not contributing anything to the discussion, you’re just disturbing the feedback. Get a few games under your belt if you want to contribute meaningfully.

Again, you aren’t the gatekeeper of discussions. I’d suggest you not tie up moderator time with reckless accusation, but that is for them to determine.

Best of luck to you!

Yeah so this is you lying through your teeth.

There may be a scattered handful of players who enjoy tank queues existing because they play one of the specs that comes out on top when healers are removed from the equation, so they get to oscillate between playing (relatively) balanced matches and matches where they have an artificial advantage, but that’s the extent of it. They would trade the health of the game mode, and PvP more broadly, to essentially get to play with cheat codes turned on some of the time. There’s no legitimate position in favor of tank queues, however.

And I really cannot stress enough, dear readers, that Rocktoes’ claim that he has an entire group of friends who all happen to actively enjoy tank queues is pure, undiluted fiction. Maybe he’s a troll and maybe he personally is one of the people I described who enjoys tank queues for the sake of getting to have an unfair advantage in those matches, but he without question is also a liar.

No you don’t, because as soon as you experience that first long queue, then you’ll be back upon these very forums to complain about it.

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lol, is it really that hard for you to understand people have a different opinion than you do?

Guessing so because you don’t even attempt to make an argument, you just attack anyone that disagrees with you.

Also, curious about this. Is it rare to hang out in discord with friends all playing different games and watching each others streams? Surely not, is it? Seriously, if you guys aren’t doing that, you are missing out on good times.

I think that they could include tanks, but in the position of a dps, perhaps with a limit of 1 tank per shuffle maximum.

Healer/dps/tank versus healer/dps/dps and then shuffle people around is infinitely more enjoyable than tank/dps/dps versus tank/dps/dps which has most rounds ending in 30 seconds, which was a major complaint amount players in Shadowlands.

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Just flag as a troll and move on.

Guy is literally admitting to trolling at this point. He’s never played the mode, how can he even know if it’s fun or not.

Obviously not, since I said that you could very well hold that opinion yourself. You’re just lying about having a group of friends that actively enjoys tank queues.

Opinions also don’t just pop up out of nowhere. People are against tank queues because it’s a major design flaw that degrades the quality of games and hobbles a game mode that would otherwise be a major boon to the PvP scene. The few who are in favor of it have purely selfish and/or short-sighted motivations for their position. There doesn’t exist a legitimate pro-tank queue stance.


Wrong on both accounts.

I’ll address the pro tank stance and ignore your name calling.

Why me and my friends like tank queues. They are fast, we don’t care about super finesse play style, and we don’t take ourselves super serious. The anarchy of tank queues is funny.

I acknowledge there are legitimate arguments against tank queues, that being some dps classes aren’t designed to survive well without heals.

I’m fully aware you don’t in turn consider my position legitimate and frankly don’t care.

The true problem is that arena is dying. You talk about not liking facing tanks, but based on the dropping participation rate in arenas we have seen, people don’t seem to enjoy fighting the same meta matchups ad nauseum. Solo shuffle is going to have a further impact on this causing even less people to participate.

If you are a traditional arena player, this undoubtedly bothers you.

All these dps talking about how tanks only play for themselves, while being completely oblivious to the fact that is what all dps do as well.

I think dps should be removed from solo shuffle. They die too fast and don’t support the team in anyway (at least if you discount any way a tank can support, then you have to discount any way a dps can support)

See how silly you all sound now.

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You mean why you like tank queues. Or rather, why you like the idea of tank queues since you have no actual experience with them.

Right, so you don’t care about the health of Solo Shuffle as a game mode or PvP overall. As I said there is no legitimate argument in favor of tank queues. Anyone from the small group of people who actually enjoy them feels the way they do for selfish and short-sighted reasons. The fact that this is your stance and you feel the need to voice it is wildly narcissistic. If you don’t care about PvP then piss off from conversations between people who do care about it.

What bothers anyone who gives a flying mother about PvP is having a game mode that should represent a sizeable revitalization of WoW PvP ruined due to something so stupid as tank queues. Of course I enjoy traditional arenas, but a SoloQ format should have happened ages ago, and even though it’s late it is something we should be able to count on to draw a number of players back to PvP (literally me deciding to try out Dragonflight due to hearing about SoloQ and equalized gear, supported by an alt-friendly expansion from a PvE standpoint), whether it be players who quit PvP in specific or the game as a whole. However, if word on the street is that SoloQ is illegitimate trash on the tier of skirms then that probably will be the final nail in the WoW PvP coffin.

The irony of this statement is immense given tank queues will exacerbate the strictness of the SoloQ meta.

It’s not name-calling to call someone lying a liar.

You’re the only one who sounds silly. There’s a reason tanks have been accepted as having no place in arenas all this time, and that reason is that tanks are not a reasonable balancing ask. Truly wish they were, but they aren’t. They are either wildly overpowered or they are just awful DPS who trade the ability to pressure the enemy team for their own personal survivability.

Having one on both teams means that it is “even” in the sense that both teams are stuck with a tank, but it ruins any balance that has been achieved because 3v3 is balanced around a healer and two DPS. Every spec is balanced around playing with and against healers, but not every spec is affected the same by removing them. Self-reliance is an advantage in conventional 3v3, but that advantage is wildly inflated when you remove healers from the equation. The chaos of SoloQ already inherently favor classes with more autonomy, but tank queues amp that up to 11. Even if you fix the fairness issue by ranking specs only against one another (which, again, they absolutely should regardless), you still end up with whatever percentage of queues are tank queues being just bad PvP experiences. People play competitive game modes to experience competitive matches, and tank queues ruin that full-stop.

That is a lot of words, but I think it is mostly projection.