Remove Tanks from Solo Shuffle

Don’t need to to get the mounts.

This is a start but still screws over the group as most prot paladins dont off heal anyways.

To make a comment on “tactics” you do. Farming mounts with zero clue what you are doing other than “go that guy” doesnt make you credible.

I do employ tactics during fights during fights, you who doesn’t? The DPS who immediately charge the opposing tank that just got sapped/frozen/paralyzed.

No 60Khp Dh you are not gonna global the 150Khp Blood DK, that’s why I Paralyzed them to keep them from you.

Yeah you dont have a clue what you are talking about.

No one said anything about attacking the tanks.

K, goes back to enjoy my new mount

We were discussing tactics, do you not take your other party members into consideration for that?

Guardian melts. Did a few where we just melted the one stupid Guardian who charged in every round. He went 0 in 6.

They meaning 1 out of 6 specs. That’s a massive win.

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Yeah an easy way to tell how the rounds are gonna go is if you see the Guardian in Bear form already when the gate opens.

Congrats on your participation trophy.

Actually we were discussing how the game plays out with tanks instead of healers. So no we were not discussing tactics.

I know I’m going to be shot for saying this, but I honestly don’t give a f*ck if people think I’m being selfish for playing a tank in arena (or any PvP). You know why don’t have a guilty conscience?

Because EVERYONE is selfish. And the more “unselfish” a person says they are, they more of a hypocrite they are. Most people In PVP do what they want to do, instead of what benefits the group. People in Wintergrasp leech honor kills instead of securing and protecting vehicles and breaking walls, people argue about Airship vs. Glavies. People make “push” teams that fall apart after one loss in three games. People only want this and tank spec tank or this and that spec healer. People dip on others. The number of RBGs discords that are filled with hundreds and hundreds of people who joined for one game and left if they couldn’t get a 100% clear rate. EVERYONE is out for them and theirs and anyone who says otherwise is making excuses.

I don’t care about your DPS vs. DPS playground. I don’t care about you, or anyone else, because in the 16 years of playing in MMOs the only time I hear about selflessness is mob mentality when someone wants to dogpile on someone for not being thier b*tch or slave. I don’t care if you don’t like me, I think you suck just as much. I’m not trolling or being nasty to be nasty, I just want to play the game and not hear about how I’m putting someone out for existing in their group, and my epeen size isn’t as big as theirs for this reason or that.

MMOs used to be a genre where I get excited to play when I got home and all the wonderful friends I’d make, and all the things I would do for them, all to find out I’m not going to be needed, I can be replaced by the million other people. And guess what? YOU can be replaced just as easily, because NO ONE or NO THING in this game has any intrinsic value. Not your guild, not you raid, not arenas, NOTHING.

If you are going to act with a fixed mindset, then I have no obligation to change my stance either.

Some of these bears are probably putting this in in the pvp load up lol.

BG, epic, brawl, solo. How I load up my stuff both games any class. Including dk and Dh which can tank or dps. click join click join click join.

whatever pops, pops. Most of these…that bear will be loved. A solid bear, night fae, in WSG is thing of true beauty.

solo, not so much.

Solo qeueue was asked for. its been given. want better selection…lfg it.

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Thank you, The Vicious mount is the only reason I pvped, same as plenty of other people.

Wanna try that again?

Oh didnt see that part, thats pretty cool, actually! I was thinking of maining Prot pally instead of Prot warr for dragonflight, this new change just seals that deal (unless prot war ends up the meta tank for rbgs which i doubt ~) :heart:

:dizzy: :rabbit:

I don’t think tanks should be in any pvp except world pvp.

Same thing has been said about rogues. Do you really expect players to find tanks when you’ve set out to deliberately give them little to do in the game?

It isn’t the tanks’ fault devs haven’t made a place for them in PvP since wod.

“Let’s take away content from them but force them to continue tanking when I need a tank!” ← Non-reality-based opinion.

You should have titled the post “remove tanks”

None of what you said, as heartfelt and as true as it is, changes the original sentiment that they ruin the experience.

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@ [Shirren] and the others that responded to my “Selfish” statement. I wasn’t referring to the individual player… I was referring to the “Tank’s Kit vs Healer’s Kit” in relation to helping the x2 dps that Queued into the match.

@Tanks as DPS replacements… That is just going to be another huge issue… Think about x2 tanks and a Healer vs your team? Like WTH… How is that not even worse?

Keep tanks in Epic BGs for Boss Fight and that’s it for PvP…

I have in the past told the story of how early in BfA, when I was doing Legion-capped PvP, which was full of twinks (though I wasn’t actually a twink myself, just really well-geared) I would run into the same players on the enemy team a lot. Sometime later I said that the purpose of Rogues in PvP is to annoy another player. The purpose of tanks in PvP is to annoy the entire enemy team at the same time. And a player I had played against said, “Yeah, you were really annoying.”

Deal with it. The game is not a sandbox for exclusively DPS to play in, while expecting other roles to suddenly serve your wishes and desires when you need to make use of them to do other content.

In any case, I think there should be PvP that has 3 divisions: DPS vs DPS, heals vs heals, and tanks vs tanks. I would play that. And I would watch it.

You can stop.

Blizzard gave us what we were asking for.

No more Tanks replacing Healers in Solo Shuffle.

If your goal was the status quo, you lost.

I’m going to exclusively queue solo as all my tanks only thanks to this thread, oh and I hate PVP btw.