Remove Tanks from Solo Shuffle

Whilst I don’t PvP hardcore, I have done enough where I have a good grasp at what Solo shuffle is supposed to bring in terms of a PvP queue, as previously it has only been premade groupings and none of the “I queue as a solo player because I do solo player stuff, but I want to do it as part of a group”
Similar to MOBA-matchmaking queues

Either way, the point is this:
If this is an issue in terms of the expeience of Solo queue, doesn’t that just make it sound like you want to group up with folks so you can pick your classes for traditional 3v3 or even 2v2 arenas? Because it honestly sounds like you want to turn "solo queue" into “3v3 Arena premade-with-non-premade queue”

Tanks are here to stay in shuffle, because this mode is an competitive solo alternative to premade arenas - not as a replacement, but as an alternative for solo players who want to engage in WoW PvP with a MOBA-queue perspective


The function of a tank is simply to not die, Doesn’t really mesh with the death match arena playstyle. If you have specs designed to simply live rather than contribute to kills and draw out the game it becomes frustrating for all involved

On top of that they are closer to DPS than healers if you really want to force them into the match, having them take the healer slot just breaks the game for a lot of DPS.

You have solo shuffle and you have tank matches, they are completely different game modes, yet the tank matches get to influence your rating for some reason. Mixing them together just creates a poor experience, enough so that it will destroy rated solo que from being a popular game mode.

Tanks have RBGs where they are a functional and desired role, and random bgs, they can have unranked solo shuffle, skirmishes, But they should not be allowed in ranked solo que (or ranked arena for that matter).

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Un-nerfs tanks in pvp then you will cry lolz

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This is pretty much the mentality of tank players and why nobody wants to play with them.

“LOL DUDE IT TOOK 3 OF U 2 KILL ME UR SO BAD” rather than someone who wants a meaningful exchange of pvp combat where you get to outplay your opponent or they outplay you.

They have zero place in shuffle arena. Regular arena is a different story.

It’s a bit funny reading these because we always have complaints about lack of tanks in 5 mans while we simultaneously tell tanks they can’t even participate in one of the 3 end game pillars.

And raiding requires so few tanks it’s hard to get a raid spot as a tank.


What ?I am serious

Back in the good old days , a blood Dk would just take the flag go right at the center of the map and you would not be able to kill them . Brew masters were even more dangerous

So yeah if you unnerf tanks , dps would definitely cry

How is it funny or hard to grasp? They literally ruin the entire 3v3 experience for everyone in the arena but themselves. As long as tanks are allowed in, the majority of people just won’t play it…it’s that simple.

It just doesn’t work in the arena format, it’s just that simple.

They serve a very valuable purpose in RBGs and BGs, and it makes sense for them to be in those forms of pvp, but arena is another story.

Even more so now that solo shuffle forces them into a role on your team that only one tank can semi function at and directly impacts everyone else’s experience in a negative way beyond just the frustration of being designed as a wall to run into.

Tanks are and have always been allowed in normal arena, random BGs, and rated BGs and people play them.

If you hate the chance of a tank having the audacity to participate in a new PvP mode you can always run regular 3v3 making a premade so you are never inconvenienced by grouping with a tank.


There is no flag in arena/solo shuffle

Yes as a dos role. Not a healer role.

I respect you but you’re wrong on this one my guy.

At the least tanks should be in a dps role not the healer role.

There’s a reason I just afk if it I end up qued with a tank.

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whoosh …

The point is if 12 can’t take out one then there is no chance in an arena a tank would die.
Blizzard nerfed tanks because dps were crying

Or don’t have them take the spot of heals in random shuffle. Have you even done shuffle before?


Tanks are in the healer role to speed up queues.

Imo there should be a change at 6 dps as well.

It’s fair for everyone because everyone plays with everyone else.

This sacrifices the health of the game mode overall for the whims of a small subset of players. Throwing a system in the garbage, which represents a hope for revitalization of PvP for many players, just for the sake of PvP tank players who have never been balanced around, would be a catastrophically moronic notion. Though, as has been stated previously they don’t need to be banned outright. They just need to take a DPS slot instead of a healing slot.


And it negatively affects the game. A tank should not take the place of a healer. I’d rather wait and get a healer.

It leads to bad habits and will cause people to play differently.

Solo shuffle is never going to be anything more than blowing everything in the opener and watch people die.

As had been pointed out, while all specs have been balanced around their presence, not all specs are equally affected by lack of a healer. And even if you doled out rewards via spec-specific ladders (they should do this anyhow, but I digress) so everything was 100% fair, fairness doesn’t change that tank games represent a drastically degraded PvP experience. No one but tanks wants to play them.

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While the majority of current arena players who represent a very small % of total WoW players may not enjoy tanks in the prepatch experience of solo shuffle. Not only tanks are enjoying the pace of games with tanks.

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Talk about an assumption. I have always hated tank games in shuffle because they don’t add to the team. There’s no synergy or ability to outplay anyone because legit die in one interrupt. Healers are needed to have a fun combat system.

Tanks should be in a dps role not a healer one.

They have no synergy with anything.