Remove Tanks from Solo Shuffle

Why should a role that has no purpose in arena be able to join and troll everyone else?

Tanks in Solo Shuffle will have a “Me Alive Always Attitude” and focus ALL their utility and heals on themselves to try and win the most rounds… Healers focus the group to win the most rounds… It’s Night and Day…

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That is a subjective statement.

So let me be subjective, I’d rather have healers be removed from solo shuffle. Tanks games seem really fun.

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Solo Shuffle: Tanks=Selfish, Healers=Not… Which do you think DPS Prefer?

lol, playing a tank isn’t selfish, get real dude.

As to your question, I prefer the pace of tank games.

Playing a tank IS Selfish… You are taking from your team and not giving back… How is that not selfish? You win most rounds by just not being targeted while the DPS suffers…

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It’s not a subjective statement. It’s a fact.
Tanks have zero place in arena.

Healers heal the group. Tanks only play for themselves.

Only because you probably have never played with a good healer

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lol, pretending your opinion is a fact in order to justify excluding people. You are probably fun at parties.


It’s a fact backed by my experience in arena. That’s why my opinion is credible and yours isn’t.

At the least tanks should be in a dps role not a healing role.

Tanks can be incorporated in solo shuffle but should never take the place of a healer.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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It always amazes me the lengths and mental hurdles people go to in order to exclude others. Especially when they already have a way to play with those they choose in the first place.

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It amazes me when people try to comment on modes when they don’t do it.

Also reading is hard.


Arguing about selfish vs non-selfish is irrelevant. The problem is that you get two different meta-games, one that is World of Warcraft, the other its own weird cul-de-sac. Healers play the game, tanks play in the alternate version of the game, but DPS must bounce between these two different games.

Tanks should take the slot of a DPS instead. If that kills tank viability in solo shuffle, that’s probably fine as I don’t think most people want tanks in arena.


You must be easy to amaze then or just confused as exampled by claiming your opinion is fact.

You should google what credibility is.

Then you can stop embarrassing yourself

All of this x10000000

Man, the number of people in here who couldn’t grasp that DPS need healed is astounding.

I’m not embarrassed I have a different opinion than you.

Now if I was claiming my opinion was a fact, then sure, I can agree that would be embarrassing.

My opinion is based on fact backed by my credible experience.

Sorry you are having a hard time understanding that.

Well look at you go!

You are at least realizing it is your opinion now and not fact!

Glad I could help!

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