Remove Shroud Of Concelement

The lack of variety is because certain dps specs bring utility like b-res and heroism and pump big numbers. The meta changes every patch. 9.0.5 made shamans do insane damage and they’re pushing 8k+ in m+ runs in keys I run.

Damn, we’re really stretching now on the “Rogues are OP” band wagon now aren’t we.

Literally nothing over +15 matters for normal players and therefore should not be designed around. If rogues are equally represented below that point, the design is fine. People go meta and cheese the hell out of things at higher levels because they have to. That’s the nature of content that doesn’t actually have a cap to its scaling. At some point, you WILL hit a wall that you have to have specific things to beat.

And that’s okay, because you get nothing but bragging rights for deciding to do that.

That’s true, but I think the same can really be said for all raid/group utility as well. The fact that most raid utility is limited to a single class, and group utility to either two or a single class makes all those choices more restrictive, but I guess that is the price for distinction of classes/roles in a RPG.

What I got from this was nerf all the things until my spec is meta. Would the OP be here so loudly complaining if their spec was already a part of the meta?

The vast majority of players are never going to reach the giddy heights of the 1%. Beyond +15 if new cheese strats are found then the meta will change in a heartbeat. Meta’s exist due to primarily player decisions. Kicking and screaming that those decisions must be made on your terms or Blizzard has to flail about with the nerf bat is … probably not the best way to deal with this.

You want to play at that level, you conform to the meta. Or you don’t. Or figure out a new one. Your choice and your consequences, but demanding the game be changed for everybody because of an activity most don’t even do…

Shroud is great in PVP when rogues get a large group right on top of the enemy. I’ve seen multiple rogues trading off shrouds … its great when stuff like that happens. Being able to skip things in PVE or even get a raid into position before a pull is all fine. These are utilities that keep the homogenization at bay.

Nah it isnt, this comes from a Rogue that took over 15 mins to get into groups most of the time.

That has more to do with Outlaw simply being good in M+

Or they can just bring Inv potions which are fairly cheap and safer to use.

Also Rogues are good at CC

It isnt and if so, you gotta replace it, cause Rogue has practically no Raid Utility outside of it (and Shroud is basically useless in combat)

Hunter’s mark?

so you want to get rid of the only thing 1 whole class has that is the only reason they are invited to a whole type of content.

So you what? basically want rogues to be excluded from M+?

If the OP was genuine they would have suggested Blizzard put more mobs on the routes that can see through stealth to limit where shroud would work. Or wanting the range/melee balance changed by various means. By demanding shroud be totally removed they’ve made it clear their interest is to have rogues exiled from the current meta entirely. Should they be successful, there would be a follow up post demanding monks be nerfed to oblivion too, etc.

If anything this would screw everyone, not just rogues

Remove Shroud.

Yes it would. But the meta would adapt to the new conditions. The risk though is that another approach that still utilizes rogues could come out of that, and that isn’t their goal.

Can’t mark what hasn’t come out of stealth yet or avoids the flare.

“Mommy give more hugz plz ty”

Three button meta spec is mad that it’s not meta anymore. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::ok_hand:

I agree however, nerf DH.

I did suggest bringing back baseline smoke bomb with the 10% group DR it used to provide from cata to WoD. Having a pocket LoS spot with some raid wide damage mitigation would likely have a lot of applications in both raids and mythic plus, whilst making the class much less polarising in both.

Every other melee spec can be another role or, god forbids you play survival hunter, a range spec. Don’t remove the few utilities the only class that’s actually forced in melee spec to be less desired…

Good suggestion actually