Remove Shroud Of Concelement

Why is this ability still in game. It single handily solidifies rogues spot in M+ every season. And in a meta that is anti melee anyways the one melee spot goes to rogue automatically regardless of dps unless another melee is going CONSIDERABLE more dmg than rogues ( WWs pre nerf / begining of season )

Some people ( lol rogue mains ) will tell you shroud isnt even OP and rogues are brought for their control… BRO PLEASE it isnt hard to rotate stuns and CCs on mobs to stop their unintruptable casts. I did 28s last season with out a rogue becuase the affix made the gap between a group with out shroud and grp with out shroud not so big.

Remove shroud of concelement. It has no lore reason and it is the stupidest OP thing in the game.

Also while talking bout m+ … How have you not manage to fix skipping prides yet? Imagine the meta to your whole seasonal affix being… skipping it with a invis pot.

talk about incompetence …


Remove Spectral Sight first and we have a deal.

And then forget that you were going to remove Shroud.


wtf does spectral sight do in mythics ? kek


I agree

Nerf DHs


It makes them look even weirder because they have all those tacky tatoos and the horns, then they waltz around looking for mobs even though they shouldn’t be able to see anything because they have those stupid blindfolds on!

Additionally, I am peacefully sapping your entire team in the base over here, avoiding everybody’s stupid little AoE things. And then the DH comes in and there’s nothing you can do to remain in sneaky paradise. What a scam!

Anyway, I’m salty.


Yes, nerf DH


Remove Eyebeam, it single handily solidifies DH spot in M+ every season.


According to RIO, Rogues, Warriors, DK, DH, Monk, and Paladins are equally represented in +15 and up keys. Which the vast majority of the player base will fall under or below.

For keys +20 and above, it does shift to Rogues and Monks for their utilities. However, most players are not pugging +20s.


What? Better nerf shamans.


but shroud of concealment is their one trick KEK. Otherwise they’d be useless. Already are in raids, as AMS is way better than cloak.

Rogues 10% ahead of next highiest melee which is WW for 20s and highier. Thanks for proving my point. If shroud wasnt a think the number would be much closer.

only 20+ and up data matters for topic of meta spots.

15s are a standard everyone is expected to be able to do. its easy. Dont disrespect my thread by mentioning 15s ever again.

If anything, Shroud of Concealment needs buffs. Maybe it should last an hour, and persist through combat, so people can clear dungeons without being seen or hurt.


You beat me to it. :heart:


Proving what point, 20+ keys are generally teams. They are not pugging. The +15 and up data is much more relevant.

Rogue need buff, shroud is fine.

I agree though, nerf dh.


Who said anything bout pugging? The OP is about m+ meta / melee spots in pushing keys. Are you ok my dude?

Good day Azerothians! We hope you’re having fun! Following Humanitydh’s plea for nerfing Rogues, we just had to take it into consideration because who else do you listen to than a random DH feeling sorry about themselves?

Following this realization, a urgent board meeting was set up with the shareholders to discuss the possible real world consequences this would have if we didn’t listen to Demon Hunters. After 5 hours of brainstorming, we are pleased to present Patch

Patch Notes:

  • Demon Hunters can no longer jump but have permanent Spectral Sight.
  • Shroud of Concealment now deals a 500% Weapon DoT if you step into it.

We sincerely hope this change benefits you. See you again in Azeroth!


If rogues didn’t have shroud, it would only be monks with a huge gap between the other classes. Similarly to DH tanks compared to others. Your place as a DH DPS wouldn’t change.

Sounds like someone wasn’t invited to a M+ 1 key.


If rogues didnt have shroud which makes most effective routes possible since all the invis pots go towards skipping prides…

If that was not the case. the 3rd dps would be brought for DPS throughput or other utlity.

And with current numbers it would be fury warrior or WW monks or DH all 3 do great dmg

in a grp with out DH tank havoc would be the most ideal cuz it would buff the mage and the boomy ( both mage and boomy are OP thats a seperate issue )

so like in a grp where the tank is a warrior or bear you could have a DH or WW or in a grp where the tank is Brewmaster or bear you could have a DH or fury warrior.

Instead of right now its ROGUE. no matter what the tank is and what the 2 ranged spots are the melee spot is rogue. You can go look at almost all the top tanks of each class and see what melee they run with. All of them except one choose to run with rogues.

And again it is cuz shroud makes some routes possible which otherwise wouldnt be possible.

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