Remove Shroud Of Concelement

I do not think Blizzard cares of the folks running +20 or heck +16 and above to nerf/buff any class.

They pretty much designed every class on if they can do +15 and not bother if another class can do it better. Yeah you can do +15 on any class but will the general public invite you regardless of your class that’s another cool story bro moment . :sunglasses:

After reading the entire thread only one of you salty guys and gals offers anything remotely close to a response worthy of a response. All i see are whine whine whine. It’s true. Certain classes are a must above a certain level and it sucks. Maybe the answer is for mobs above a certain key level to render shroud moot or less effective but lets have a discussion rather than 98% of screaming to nerf dh instead.

That’s about to change :stuck_out_tongue:

Be prepared to watch them scramble to make changes based on things they consider cheese in their new format.

Warlock gate nerf incoming.

This may go north or south for the m+ community It will be entertaining to see the after effects either way .

I would flag you for trolling… so you want to remove a fun ability on a 5 min cd because you think rogues stole your place in M+?

I got a solution for you, run your own keys.

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Lol what an uneducated post.

Engineering gives belt attachment that gives u in is without using pot…

oh right. that thing that has a chance to fail. and everyone is using a different belt enchant anyways but you wouldnt know that you pleb

Been playing a rogue since vanilla. Nerf and Rogue somewhat go together. It’s like the developers say “Oh let’s try this!?” The Rogue community likes it, people moan and groan then next patch/xpac the dev team changes it.
This post is nothing new. Entertaining but nothing new.


As true as the statements are about 15s being easy and 20+ all that matters for the meta discussion the best bet for DH DPS being meta is for another tank being meta and your magic dmg increase being more important than a shroud.

Better Idea:

Just spread Shroud to more classes.

Shadow Priests, Survival Hunters, Arcane Mages. Simple things like “Void Shroud,” “Mass Camouflage,” and “Mass Invisibility.”

Give DHs shroud. Problem solved.

I mean, Havoc was meta all of BfA, wonder if they were calling for DH nerfs in BfA?

This is about meta right, and not just “it’s better than my class”?

ROFLMAO!! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

Wait, people invite DH dps?

Found op’s alt account.

Edit: Nevermind; didn’t realize OP was talking about persistent team slots and not pugging.

I’m pretty sure, many group leaders simply follow the meta/FOTM while also considering a preference for 2 ranged and 1 melee along with lust and/or battle-rez (not always, but it’s a consideration when forming a group). The Warcraft Logs statistical rankings for M+ in the last 2 weeks indicates Outlaw Rogue as second on the DPS list while Havoc DH is in the middle of the pack. That data alone refutes your claim that Shroud is the sole reason rogues are often preferred as a melee DPS, but there’s never just one reason to invite a particular class… I personally will take an Outlaw, Boomy, or MW for my last DPS slot as long as they have 15 or more runs in the bracket I’m running and a comparable IO score. If I still need lust/hero I’m only taking a Fire Mage, Marks Hunter, or an Ele Shaman.

Your recommended nerf is not needed.

Op just mad cuz bad

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It caused a funny wipe for me because I forgot I put a lot of points into moving quickly while stealthed and I forgot that other people don’t have stealth speed buffs because they don’t play a stealth character.

Whoops someone got left behind, got mobbed, and now the entire group wiped going back to rescue them.

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Sunday is tomorrow