Remove personal loot trade restrictions

It’s also highly unlikely that all these guild leaders had girlfriends.


Because their ideal remedy is playing WoW with only NPC’s and pretending it was never a multiplayer game at all. All these types of players ask for is for the game to require no other players to be successful.


Master loot abuse in progression guilds is a self correcting problem. If the ML only hands loot to his posse of 3 or 4 people then they’re the only ones who are geared. 3 or 4 people can’t progress on mythic by themselves, so as people leave, they won’t be able to fill the ranks back out because their progression is so slow.

Edit: This is a big reason it just doesn’t really happen.


In B4 the usual 4 come in with their walls of no saying lifting personal loot restrictions are elitist



Can confirm. The only reason why I manage to get extremely geared every tier is because I’m secretly the officers GF, and not because I show up to raid every time and kill bosses.

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Suuuuuuuure :clown_face:

Hey give me your loot
No, I don’t think I will

What part am i missing about this exchange.


This part obviously.

What are they gunna do, break into your house and force you to trade it at gunpoint.

Quite frankly, it’s impressive how frequently it happens to me, considering that I live basically 2 hours from anywhere, so if you can get to my house within the trade time, you deserve that loot.

Sounds like they can park themselves in their garrisons and stay happy :sweat_smile:

I know most threads like this just get veered into talking about ML even though OP here was just talking about removing personal loot restrictions. It’s amusing how every discussion gets turned into “ML ebil! guilds ebil! gorlfriends ebil!”.

then removed from guild.
rinse repeat.

ML isn’t coming back and that’s a good thing. Go get your loot like everyone else.


I just used ML for brevity over saying ‘fully tradeable personal loot with no restrictions.’ But, same arguments apply

  1. Why would you want to be in a guild that has those kind of loot restrictions that you obviously don’t agree with.
  2. I never mentioned master looter.
  3. I’m literally the raid leader of my team and the person who hands out loot in my guild.
  4. I’m a healer, we got loot last and it does very little for me.



Why do non-raiders think guilds are ran like that lmao.


Because they don’t raid and thrive on guessing at problems that don’t effect them.


Might’ve been my fault, I said master loot in my post for the sake of brevity.

I’m a heroic raider :wink:
I’ve seen too many issues with loot, but thankfully Blizz took care of that.

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Yeah I know, I was just making a general observation, not singling you out or anything. Sorry if it came across that way.

How many times have you had to change guilds again?

You’ve seen problems with loot this expansion? Man maybe they should remove loot trading completely. That would fix the problem once and for all.

No scary instances of having to talk with someone like an adult.

Gosh the world is scary.

No, you were right. I should’ve been more clear with what I was saying.

Edit: That said, far too lazy to go back and edit it on my phone.

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If you’re only a heroic raider and your guild is trying to take loot from you, your guild is bad.

Stop trying to play with people who steal from you. Find better friends so people can actually distribute loot amongst themselves without any restrictions.