Remove personal loot trade restrictions

This change would help the first few weeks of raiding and m+.

I know what my guild loot rules are, by showing up to raid I inherently agree to those loot rules. It’s essentially master loot within the current personal loot rules.

I’m sure everyone’s had experience with RCLoot council or PL Loot or some such.

I’ve never once had an issue with trading a drop that I looted to a guild mate under these rules, they’ve never had issue trading to me.

We know the arrangement we signed up for, and are able to discuss it like adults. If I lose out one week, I’ll get my turn.

This change benefits guilds. Anyone raising an issue with PUGs, this doesn’t really change how pugs work, people still say no to trading scrap items in pugs because it’s omg my loot.

My guild can’t force me to do anything. I do it voluntarily, for the good of the team.


its not about classic vs retail

its about the inequality to who’s entitled to loot and who’s not

ML was abused to the nines by those super responsible adults. So much so Bliz had to step in and remove the whole affair.
Nobody is going to be convinced by the attempts to sweep it all under the rug. All of the chaos by hurt feelings, broken relationships, broken guilds, and endless reports … don’t just get swept away by saying …well you signed up willingly, you could just leave the guild … hur hur

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I’m not talking about master loot, that topic has been done to death and no one disputes that there were abusive scenarios.

I am talking about the current system and my guilds loot arrangement and how this proposed change would positively impact the team I am a part of for the first few weeks.

Perhaps you should go and unsuccessfully troll in other threads.

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And it’s been said to death that your proposed change is ML with an extra step. So it devolves straight into ML.

And yet, it’s how many raiding guilds are already successfully managing loot.

You seem to struggle with this concept.

Your argument was that a classic raid leader was abusing ML, implying that this same issue would be relevant in retail. I was only saying that guilds that hoard loot for 3 or 4 players don’t progress and generally fall apart REAL quick. Mythic progression doesn’t have any room for greed, that’s all.


You sure do like making repeats of the same thread every day.

Master looter is gone, accept it and move on. It’s not coming back, you’re not going to get personal loot loosened up so you can bully people into giving you their loot.

Also, way to lie about the consequences of your proposed changes. Anyone with a scrap of honesty knows that relaxed personal loot would immediately become "The loot council has decided your personal loot is now this other guys loot, give it to them or be gkicked.

It’s already bad enough that people are bullied out of upgrades just because they had a slightly higher ilvl without a socket/correct secondaries.


If you don’t like how a guild handles loot, you leave. Why is this so difficult to understand? Most guilds lay out their loot system, they tell you how they’ll handle loot in raid…if you don’t like it, then you leave. Simple. If you agree to their system and they do something different in raid, you leave.


But Froom, don’t you know loot only drops once and never again so I must have it now because my team will constantly steal it from me with the threat of being kicked/blacklisted!!!

as i said before, PL without trade restrictions is ML with logistics:

guilds can fall apart with mere words and even a single person leaving. they dont need loot greed to fall apart, this point is moot IMHO

Maybe the onus doesn’t always need to be on the victim. Maybe the change wouldn’t have happened if it wasn’t warranted by more than a decade of abuse by those in power.


And that’s why it won’t come back. Because instituting a loot council isn’t something Blizzard wants to happen anymore.

And the famine and swarms of locusts and the rivers turned to blood because of ML…
Lets be real, the only reason Blizz cut ML was they wanted to kick out some GMs who were handling tickets so Bobby could rake in another few millions.

With tradeable PL you have no reason to complain anymore. You have your loot and you can do with it however you please. No guild, no pug, noone can force you to give it up. You have your loot for your run that you participated in and that you feel entitled to keep. If the majority of you guild decides to handle loot differently, you are free to leave and join a guild that handles it how you want it to be. This thread implies that there will be plenty to choose from.
Your guild cant force you to do anything, now you shouldnt be able to dictate the loot system of the guild against the majority.

Why is there a victim!? “Hey dude, welcome to the guild, we’re going to be using RC Loot Council for mythic progression, is that cool?” does not mean you’re being victimized, what the actual hell?

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Nobody’s a victim in this case. You ask a guild you’re interested in what their loot style is and if you agree, you join. If not, move on.


I much prefer the current system, where master loot is extremely difficult to implement, so most guilds don’t even try.

You know what? I pass loot to friends and guildmates on the regular when I don’t need it, the system works just fine.

The only people blasted by master looter being gone are the people who felt entitled to other people’s loot. The really obnoxious ones were always the lazy ones that could barely bother to do their weekly mplus, let alone put in effort to help others get geared.

I have yet to meet a proponent of master looter who was not just veiling their desire to fast track loot for themselves and friends, behind some high-minded notion of “good of the guild”.

Loot councils still exist. They haven’t gone anywhere, they’ve just changed how they operate.

If you don’t like a guilds loot rules, you are free to join a myriad of other guilds.

Hi, nice to meet you.

honestly no. there are far more threads made for people that want loot trading unrestricted than there are outcries of loot abuse even though the way PL works now loot still gets loot counciled… it’s just an extremely annoying method