It’s not a compromise. It’s ML with extra steps.
You can keep saying that, but it’s going to keep being untrue.
Ya, well, that’s just like, your opinion, man.
No, there is literally no way you can be made to trade anything you don’t want to.
Now, if you choose to participate in a loot council deal, you decided that. If your guild insists you trade against your will, you need to find a new one anyway.
Thankfully, we have Blizzard who will just make the whole point moot and protect those that cannot protect themselves.
You know, by just removing ML from the game entirely.
With freely tradeable PL:
You are free to choose a guild with any proposed loot system you want.
You are free to leave the run if the loot system in the run doesnt fit your expectations.
You are free to keep any loot you receive without anyone being even remotely able to take it from you.
How many avenues do you have to give people? How hard do you want to hold their hand? How incapable to you think people are?
Let me ask you this then. Why did blizzard take action and remove it in the first place?
Expecially considering that Ion recently said this.
Less people having to deal with tickets. Simple as that.
And in this thread it isnt even about ML, but about the ability to trade PL gear that you yourself feel is more beneficial on a group member.
without trading restrictions PL turns into ML with logistics
if there were no trading restrictions then all you would hear in guild is “If you don’t trade that item that you got with XYZ then you’re kicked from the guild” or “My roll was higher, by guild rules i should get the piece you looted” or some other variants of the same.
Why would you ever want to be in a guild with people that would do this?
They tried to fix the problem but didn’t identify the most optimal solution for fixing it. Personal loot is almost there, but not quite.
This is why I suggest hiding loot notifications. PUG leaders have zero power and this concern is eliminated 100%. The guild issue is dealt with by /gquit. If it continues to be an issue, they lose more members and eventually cannot raid anymore. Those that stay are clearly okay with how the guild handles loot.
Edit: And just to add, those that gquit still end up with the loot in the end, so the guild group doesn’t even get the loot.
i would never join a guild like that, im just being realistic
it just makes me remember that time i watched a wow classic streamer talk with his guild officers about raiders and them saying new raiders arent allowed gear until the 4th week of raiding, then they’d be on low priority for rolls
just thinking that guild masters would kick people for not trading their (no longer trade restricted) PL items just makes me feel uneasy
The best thing to happen to those people would be getting kicked out of a guild led by someone like that.
And, if so many people hate the idea, it’s also unlikely that many guilds would do anything of the sort.
its not always black and white but i can see what youre saying, but personally i wouldnt want to be kicked out of a guild that ive already made connections and friendships with other guildmates just because the Gm was a dick one raid night and kicked me for not trading my own loot to his buddy
Why would it be a random occurrence? Everyone would clearly see what they are doing and the rest of the guild would clearly object no?
In that situation, if the group was insisting on it, I don’t think I’d still be considering them friends. And if it was just the GL gone rogue, then that’s a pretty good sign the rest need to bounce and reform without that person.
depends on the person, personally if the GM kicked another person in that situation i would object and call out their BS, but i only speak for myself and not the other people in the guild
in a perfect world yes, but as we know, this is no perfect world
It’s up to us to make it the world we want it to be.
Classic is a wildly different beast from retail. You can carry 20 dead bodies in a WoW classic 40 man, you can’t carry 10 dead bodies in a mythic raid. Comparison doesn’t quite add up for me.