Remove natural velf options

Yeah i think sometimes people forget that void elves are still high/blood elves. Just ones that took an interest in the void.
They have lots of lore in their past, and their identity and culture is pretty solidified too. Theyre still elves after all.

All they really need is to show what theyre doing as a faction.
Like what is their goal or mission? Surely new recruits dont show up, train in the void, infuse themselves with it, and then just… chill on a rock in space.

Thats all they really need, a purpose.

(And please just show us how they make new void elves already. We know they do it, thats not up for debate at this point. But hoowwwww?)


The Blood Elves would never allow that. Void Elves were exiled for a reason.

Velves got the Helf option before the Draenei got the Manari one. So if anything, they lead the way. Other than maybe the options for Trolls and Dwarves. Customizations just might be the way they do this sort of thing from now on.


No it’s a High Elf like the Developer literally said it’s High Elf customization options!

Just like how other people are Sand Trolls or Wildhammer Dwarves even tho the racial tag doesn’t change, I recognize that this is how the subrace system in WoW currently works for most races xx


Incorrect, the race doesn’t change. It’s just to help people play make pretend. In reality you’re a velf.

Last I checked helves can’t turn purple or tear void portals.

You’re literally the same as Alleria.

WH dwarves are just bronzbeqrd dwarves appropriating WH tattoos and sand trolls are just dark spear troll that happen to have brown skin, genetics are weird like that.


Did they? Do you have a link for this?

I want to see the official selling out.

There isnt one.
Basically there the interviews boiled down to “its your character, RP them however you want” and it wasnt in relation to high elves either i believe.


According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available.


Sorry Moritz, but there is, and it is just now linked.


Nothing to be sorry about as the linked interview doesnt really say anything.
At the rift there are high elves training in the void.
Choose blue eyes, youve got a void elf with a high elf background.
Still a void elf and perfectly lines up with that interview.

Really people should just RP their character however they want and worry less about how others perceive it.


Exactly this. Be who you want, not how others want you :purple_heart:


I don’t mind customisations to look a certain way, as long as it isn’t trying to utterly change the race and theme.

I personally feel the line between Void and Blood became too blurred. Not specifically just customisations, but story. Blood elves used to represent the dark taboo idea of magic use. That’s gone now, and void elves have that shtick and theme.

What even is the blood elf theme and motive now? It feels too much like Stormwind humans, but high elves.


Such a sweet idea, that just so happens to kill the very idea of lore. Double edged sword per say.

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I like to think that the more “natural” options for Void Elves bring them more in line with how Alleria presented them initially. Maybe even having them as more “in control” of their Void side.


I wasn’t an advocate for natural colors. I think they were a mistake personally.

But you can’t remove something once it’s already been placed in the game and thousands of players use them. That would be a death knell for Blizzard.


Thats exactly how i view them.
You can make your void elf range from alleria to umbric. Whatever degree of transformation suits you best.

Still just as much as a void elf no matter what options you choose.

(But still if people want to RP that theyre something else, then i hope they have fun :slight_smile: )


How many people, in a single day, comment on your character? Your skin choice. Your eye color? Even your transmog.

Is this a thing where people made a community where you critique each other’s character choices?

If not, when why does any of this matter?

Over the years, I learned one thing about Wow: No one cares about your character except you.


They did it with the observer minion, I mean personally I don’t care even as a big time Warlock fan because I thought it was gross and never used it, not to mention the updated felhunter models are by far better than the observer ever was so the trade off was well worth it in my opinion.

Void elves can control both forms. I guess that’s why they gave them both options, not just random proc

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Yes khrog would 100% agree with that!

Have a lovely day friend :slight_smile:

This is the correct approach, imho. Though I still believe the undead skin for elves should have been a body toggle for undead.

When they keep adding allied races the list of “WE NEED MORE CUSTOMIZATION” players grows. It’s better to have one race with a hundred, interchangeable options than five races with ten.