Remove natural velf options

So there is a difference between what we want and what is likely. Don’t lose yourself in the joy of coming of with what could be when you know Blizzard isn’t that good at it.

For what its worth, while I don’t agree entirely with your concept in the other thread, I agree it would be a very good thing to get a whole lot more lore. Blizzard can do a lot better, whether its for the bare minimum or for a whole novel.

And I do believe Void Elves deserve a lot more. More for themselves, more to separate themselves from high and blood elves, and more of the void and their interactions with it. More of how the other races are reacting to them, more of their reactions to those other races reacting to them…

Hopefully a void based reason for their paladins at least something close to disc…

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Which brings me around to the other thing I will say when it comes to the Void Elves.

If what we have right now is what Blizzard always intended for us to have, they should have just added High Elves and been done with it. Void Elves deserve to be as fleshed out as any playable race in the game, much less the one race the Alliance has had since the game started. It is nothing less than an insult that the Void Elves do not even have an actual reputation as a race. The fact High Elves have their own dedicated reputation, but that Void Elves don’t, is disgraceful.

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I’m not going to be as harsh on Blizzard. I suspect most of their issues stem primarily from forced deadlines and Activision rather than wanting to hurt any of the lore or their player base… Beyond not really having a person who keeps their lore together and such…

But yeah thats honestly entirely fair. At the very least they could have pulled Void Elves from the Silver Covenant. Its not like Alleria couldn’t have heard from Vereesa that some of her followers had stumbled upon something void related and asked her to help look into it and then more or less the same rest of the story with a few modifications.

It was very likely rushed and probably not really something most of the devs are honestly happy with I’d bet.


Then they should have fixed it sooner than later. Void Elves were passed up on every Void-related storyline in BFA. In the patch where Blood Elves and Nightborne got to bond over their ancestry and united against Azshara, the only Void Elves there were in generic Stormwind plate, and Shandris never even looked twice at them.

So I say again. If this is what they intended with Void Elves, they should have just added High Elves instead and have been done with it. Players deserve a fleshed out race with an actual presence and narrative in the story.

At the very least, Void Elves should have been delayed to be released later in BFA to give them time to appear and act in the story, and be seeded into it (and for the love of all that is sacred, GIVE THEM THEIR OWN REPUTATION to boot).

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And if they weren’t able to and had to drop it? I’m not saying its right but thats the reality. Whats screaming about it at me going to do for you exactly?

Blizzard dropped the ball, no ones saying otherwise, but asking for lore to explain whats going on in the Rift isn’t wrong regardless of whether or not they expand it.

Also how dare you claim they don’t have the same shared legacy or heritage. Void Elves are still thalassian. I’ve had no issues making plenty of stories from that angle alone. My first void elf was a Farstrider who joined Umbric’s group to find her father who had years earlier disappeared looking for void artifacts.

She still has all of that past to draw upon that Blood and High Elves do.

Void elves going forward need more lore to expand what they are. They are a race growing into their new place in the world. I hope they get it and I hope Blizzard has the resources and the sense to spend on it to give us what we need.


This actually makes perfect sense when you think about it. Obviously there is no other logical explanation for it.

Have a lovely day, friend :slight_smile:

Velves need a home. And I’ve been dreaming of this void crystal castle for a while. Which would look pretty cool. Something high fantasy and elegant but also darker in theme.


There was something of an implication that the old pre BC Quel’thalas location could eventually be going to the Void Elves as per a change in names regarding certain game files.

Put simply, the Void Elves could possibly have a settlement outside of Quel’thalas at some point.

While at this point in time I do feel it is important for Void Elves to lean more into their Void aesthetic to help balance their visual identity, it’s equally important that the same balance and duality is observed regarding their flavor and their culture, imho ofc :purple_heart::hugs:

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I think that was a mistake in interpretation of what was going on in those files. There were certain changes that had been done and then re-attempted on the north point of the Eastern Kingdoms. Once way back, and then once again in recent years. But these seem to be attempts and abandonments for trying to fix the map and maybe add Quel’thalas to it.

But that doesn’t seem very possible, at least for now.


I never really got the implication when I saw what people were looking at… I think it was something more along the lines of Blizzard trying to poke at reusing those areas to attach Quel’Thalas back to the main world not so much using that as an opportunity to add a Void Elf home. (what Soulebreaker says)

Honestly we have a home. Its the Telogrus Rift. Theres no reason not to remain there, though there is a HUGE reason to expand and build upon it.


Or you can stop trying to take blood elf concepts and assets and splashing “void” on it, and just get your own concepts for once?

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Fair enough. In any event, I do wish to see Telogrus built up as a racial hub with proper architecture and amenities, much like Soule mentioned with castles adorned with Void Crystals and such. :purple_heart:


My apologies if that is how you interpreted my posts. I am not, ‘screaming at you,’ nor is that my intent. All my frustration is 100% aimed at Blizzard.

Blizzard more than dropped the ball. The stabbed the ball with a knife about a dozen times, dropped it, urinated on it, kicked dirt on it, laughed, then walked away.

Here’s the thing… the Void Elves should have abandoned that, in the pursuit of developing their own culture and identity. Otherwise, all they are, is purple Blood Elves. The origins of the Void Elves, by logic, has to come from the Blood Elves (just by the way they were written), but that doesn’t mean it should have ever stayed there as long as it has.

They need nothing short of a dedicated expansion, a mountain of short stories, complete overhauls to their home, heritage armor (as new options), and their own reputation. Once we have all that, I will be satisfied with them, but never with the atrocious way Blizzard brought them into the game, NOR how long they left the Void Elves to rot in that state.

We could’ve seen the more a lot more lore in patch 8.3, if Blizzard decided to expand upon the Void Elf lore in that patch, since it was a perfect patch for the Void Elves and the Void.


Something like this?


High Elves and San’layn/Darkfallen should be their own standalone races, alongside Forest Trolls and Wildhammer Dwarves

There’s no such thing as “no more elves” if next patch we’re all okay with getting new flavours of human

Human: Regular, Kul’tiran, Worgen, Undead (4)

Elf: Night Elf, Blood Elf, Void Elf, Nightborne (4)

Yes, looks so cool!

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Yes. Especially with the addition of Man’ari the high elves are even more likely of an option in the future.

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If you honestly see that as the same thing, then your entire basis is already flawed

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