Remove natural velf options

Two years, eh? Someone held onto a grudge for that long on the World of Warcraft forums. Good gods this game is powered by spite.

The most obvious answer here is simply to decouple race from faction allegiance. PvE activities are governed by a neutral entity rather than one of the two factions, and the factions go back to being strictly PvP entities.


You’re playing one!

Don’t like that, then here is for the Horde!

Both are High Elves. End of story!


Not according to Vereesa and the Silver Covenant.

Your words are devoid of logic.

No, you’re just ignorant because you chose to ignore the lore.

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You seem confused. Understandable.

Ok, where about’s in the lore, and I mean, the actual canon lore, does it say Void Elves are not High Elves? Where in the lore does it say Blood Elves are not High Elves.


Basically… exactly like it’s been outside of every faction conflict expansion. So, you’re not wrong.

You just don’t know the lore. It’s okay, it’s simply too much for you to understand.

Wait until you meet the Silver Covenant or find out that untainted High Elves still exist. Your mind will be blown.

In otherwords, you can’t provide an answer because there is no lore saying Void or Blood aren’t High.

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Clearly we need to crush the high elves so they’ll stop making threads like this.

And because of their poor fashion sense, but mostly because of the interminable forum posts.

It’s okay. You just don’t know any better.

The Quel’dorei still exist and are Alliance.

The Sin’dorei are the traitors and serve the faction of races that tried to genocide them.

The Ren’dorei are the exiled Blood Elves.

I’ve now shared basic knowledge with you. It is my hope that you are able to retain this for future reference.

It’s ok, we all know you’re a troll. Until you can provide an actual source to the canon lore to stay Blood or Void Elves aren’t High Elves, don’t bother replying to me.


Every Void Elf is a Blood Elf.
Every Blood Elf, is a High Elf.
Not every Blood Elf, is a Void Elf.
Not every High Elf, is a Blood Elf.

That having been said, anyone pushing for High Elves to be added as their own separate race is asking for an unreasonable addition to the game at this point. At best, they could copy/paste more customizations to Blood Elves, which at this point would just be hairstyles. Maybe adding a toggle for racial nameplate, and entropic embrace, or something.

In my opinion? The better option is to consolidate Allied Races into their parent races where logical (obviously, Vulpera don’t mix with Goblins, for example). For Trolls/Humans, Zandalari/Kul Tirans became body types 3 and 4, effectively. So long as players can pick their racials from a pool of racials, and determine their racial nameplate, it’d all work out pretty well. Maybe heritage armor unlocks get muddy, but who cares? Don’t wall cool stuff like that off to begin with.

(Edit): Actually, now that I think about it, Nightborne and Mechagnomes also more or less become body type 3 and 4 for their parent races when consolidating races. Nightborne for an obvious reason of different models, but for Mechagnomes, it’s more due to their unique animations.


I understand. You still are unable to comprehend even the basics.

I’m sorry that the concept that not all Quel’dorei are Sin’dorei is too hard for you to comprehend. It’s very easy to understand, yet this truth eludes you for unknown reasons.

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The Queldori are an NPC race.

Thankfully that same race is available,on horde. You’re welcome

They just go by a different name, but they taste the same I promise.


That’s the Sin’dorei.

I can only imagine your confusion when a Tauren and Highmountain are in the same room together

I’ve asked you where in the lore does it say that the Void Elves or the Blood Elves are not High Elves. Not the other way round.

Are trucks not a motor vehicle now because they are different?


Um yes, as I said they just go by a different name…

But they’re the same race.

Queldori are just a political name for an NPC race.

But you’re more than welcome to make a belf and okay with alliance races

Not all Quel’dorei became Sin’dorei.

The Silver Covenant are only Quel’dorei and are a part of the Alliance.

Stormwind has Quel’dorei cultire incorporated within it.

Orgrimmar has no Sin’dorei culture incorporated in it. Why would they? They’re part of the races that tried to genocide the Sin’dorei.