Remove natural velf options

All elves descend from dark trolls.

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Kul Tiran humans have entered the chat.

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They are still humans.


They are the cooler Humans, I have a Human Warlock and a Kul Tiran Warlock and something about being able to punch someone in the face as a racial is just so much funner to me. :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:


Then why are they a different playable option?

For gameplay purposes. Kul’tiran just literally describes where they are from. It’d be like me being considered a different race because I’m a Pittsburgher or call myself a Yinzer.


So… Humans that are big and tall get a pass but an appearance customization with actual in-game lore doesn’t?

Shouldn’t we want MORE customization options instead of less?


What customization are you referring to?

The entire point of this thread. Normal high elf features over a void elf.

They have those, because they are also Helves.


Kul titans are big and burly because of their life style in kultiras

Giving Void Elves Blood Elf options was a quick(er) fix than giving Alliance Players legitimate High Elves… which is all they really ever wanted to play.


Definitely more are happy in my opnion. Ion said Void elves are blood elves, so they should have similar options available. Alliance players would have been happier if void elves broke off from high elves.

As others have mentioned, orcs, i will add that both orc types are availabe for horde players to choose, so not even remotely the same non-issue.

Your mind concluded, the more deluded.

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I call that a happy accident. :slight_smile:

Asking for a source for if it’s a bug or not, isn’t coping. People who are here today, must likely aren’t going to know what the heck your talking about here, and you can’t expect people to magically know that.

“Dude, just trust me” isn’t a convincing lol.

The spaghetti monster is real, you just have to trust me. No i don’t have any sources or evidence to back this up, it is REAL! believe me! trust me pls. :pleading_face: /s

Or you can link it considering you’re being so vague right now, that nobody knows where to look or what they will look at be most likely wrong anyways.

Claims asserted without citation, can be dismissed without citation.


I don’t think it matters at this point if the Dark Ranger thing was a bug or not. It’s too late to go back on it and they might have decided that the look could fit the Void Elf aesthetic as well. They just also need to give Void Elves the Azshara like eyes as well. There needs to be more red eyes and separated from skin color.


And another unique belf skin via felblood or lightforged

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Yeah I’m personally for Felblood and Phoenix looks and maybe some Farstrider and magister tattoos.


I thought I sent this reply before I showered but anyway what I was gonna say is I’d love to have the red eyes on their own like every other eye color so I could change this characters hair color back to red and then the eye color to red while not being extremely pale.