Remove natural velf options

While I would never advocate to have customization options removed I still think Void Elves look bad with the normal customizations they got from Blood Elves due to how bad their hairstyles are and the fact they glow blue and bleed blue while in combat.

However if people are happy that their so called new customizations for Void Elves were just copy/paste from Blood Elves and our Nightborne actually got new customizations made just for them that’s totally cool with me.

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I said this in the velf thread, but the trading post weapons for druid are going to be very thematic for blood elves. The autumn colors bring my mind to Eversong immediately.


Ugh …

Okay how about this…

Let’s say I’m right and it was a bug.

Do you think blizzard has it in them to remove the unintended bugged out options after a week of players having them?

Ugh what?

Why are you changing goalposts again?

Blizzard did say it was not a bug when asked about it both on twitter and I think in an interview not long after.

Though I’ll grant they never to my knowledge commented on why they didn’t give it to the Nightborne. Which they should have.

Though it would have required some extra effort on their part.


Just answer the question since nothing else is sinking in for you

There is nothing to sink in.

You are just being dramatic and making false claims.

How is this still going on?
What is the end goal here. Im actually confused about that.

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There was never any interview or tweet.

It was a complete oversight.

Think about it…

Giving pale options to velves was very controversial since it blurred the lines between velves and belves to almost nonexistent, yet they did it.

Giving DR skins for belves would have balanced the scales, yet they somehow get ported to the velf model, thus giving the alliance TWO DRs when DRs have historically been a horde flavor.

Then on top of that, velf players couldn’t show their DRs for a full week?

When it comes to new options for the horde and alliance, blizzard is very fair.

If one race gets, heritage then the opposite faction gets one too,

If one gets a new AR, the other gets it too.

It makes no sense to grant two DRs for the alliance with that logic especially with the fact that it isn’t supported by the lore .

They just left it because it was to late to back out and Helfers are some of the most entitled and insufferable players in game.

Now we need yet another unique skin for belves to actually have some kind of substancial uniqueness aside from green and gold eyes for belves yet AGAIN


To get blizzard to give belves something truly unique compared to velves.

For me, lightforged skins to reflect the sunwell exposure.

Or fel blood elves would work too.


Fel is cooler.
But a part of me wants them to lean in to the light even harder to contrast the void elves more.


I want the fel wings for blood elves so badly it hurts. I know the demon and fel thing was for survival, and it was such a short period in their history, but it’s a core part of their aesthetic in my mind.


Give belves that or some light version and I’ll crall back into my cave.


I don’t put it past velf players to screech and say velf deserve it too after this debacle

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I literally saw the tweet when it was current go by. You can probably go find it if you want.

Blizzard very obviously doesn’t care about the difference as much as you do… They’re very happy to port new things to both.

They gave it to both blood elves and velves cause the model is the literal same and they no longer had any real drive or excuse not to port it. They gave it to night elves because that was part of the point, and they didn’t to Nightborne cause that would have required more work adjusting the texture than they wanted to do.

Its also why the red eyes and skin tone are linked. Cause unlinking them would require extra texture work for some combinations.

Were you not here when we got the natural tones?

There was nearly the same glitch effecting a portion of the void elves on the forums then too.

Some of them didn’t show up at all.

Thats just poor forum code pulling from the Armory.

It was an easy port, and there is nothing saying a void elf didn’t die in Darkshore and get raised.

The only reason nightborne didn’t is that the texture would have had to be modified to work on their bodies properly.

was intended.

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I followed this thing closely, there was no tweet.

If there was then there’s a phrase for it: Damage Control

You it can keep preaching it was intended all you want, this was a mistake that they’ll never own up to so it doesn’t matter.

Just give belves fel blood elf skins or lightforged and call it a day

B’okay, but give us high elves then and get rid of gold and blue eyes for blood elves. They made their choice when they brokered with the Fel, right? Let the Fel corrupted be Fel corrupted!

I vote both because we are the main/parent race.


You already have helves in horde…

Alliance helves are meant to be an NPC race. Other wise belves would be a neutral race.

Felblood could be Introduced similar to menari

Eh that might be pushing it.

Velves already have an identity crisis, don’t need to give that to belves too