Remove natural velf options

That does not explain how she got it in the first place.



Settle down.


Omg dude… Ik.

Are you not reading??

I’m saying at least we got something out of it.

DR velves have nothing before or after. They shouldn’t exist because they weren’t meant to.

The beast doesn’t settle, they shouldn’t have awoken it after it’s two year slumber

That’s a bad precedent to set. If Blizzard opens Pandora’s box by removing a race, the cries to remove more races will be overwhelming.

At this point, I’d say they need to combine Allied Races, with their parent races. In the case of Void Elves/Blood Elves/High Elves, the race would effectively have to go neutral. That having been said… I feel like we’re at the point were restricting race by faction is no longer a boon to immersion, but a hindrance.

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I am reading and at this point you are just moving goalposts.

We know what the Tidestone is capable of but it has never been explained how she got it.

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Are you serious??

Okay again…

I’m aware they don’t say how she got it.

I’m saying that AT LEAST we have something out of it.


Get it???

Okay so it’s settled then?

We can both agree that if Azshara can get the Tidestone off screen, the VE DR’s could’ve been created off screen too?

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Actually hang on…

If I remember correctly there was a line from some npc that vaguely implies that we just left the stone in the tomb of sargeras and the naga just swiped it for us being reckless.

So there you go…
Velf DR still have nothing

Any link to this dialogue?

Sorry, they decided to save the unique things for High Elves for the Dracthyr Visage forms.

Seriously though. I feel like Dracthyr visage forms are the remnants of a scrapped Half-Elf Allied Race option that started out as a High Elf Allied Race option (for the males at least).

Sure, but what about the off screen DR NB? Oh right they not as much of a smooth transition so let’s just screw over horde players with a horde gimmick…

Yeah no.

It’s somewhere in EP, you find it, I know it’s there

Already covered.

Let me know when you do.

Even if it does exist, it’s not like Velf lore was properly developed in the first place.

Nope it’s a cop out saying blizz is lazy

No you find it you necro d the thread.

If you want NB to get the DR skin so badly, then start lobbying for it.

Nobody is stopping you. This asset already existed for Blood and Night Elf rigs so they flipped the switch and gave it to players.

When someone makes a claim, finding proof is something that falls upon them, not me.


Slapping yourself for sure.

Let the thread die. Lol

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Since Blizz is slowly letting all races be all classes I assume VE paladins will eventually exist along with Gnomes finally being able to reach the light. I really want a holy mechastrider :laughing:


I’m actually looking forward to all the new Druids we’ll have eventually:

And also the option to have Demon Hunters that aren’t Night Elves or Blood Elves.

I also wouldn’t mind High Mountain Tauren getting Feltotem customization options!


I can’t wait to see void elf and blood elf and dwarf druids!

Gonna have a DH Draenei I think…

Hopefully they’ll also get Taunka options…