Remove natural velf options

Yeah sure. So helves also have innate void abilities no other race has. Lmao okay.

If Horde players are mad that people are going to roleplay High Elves they are apparently unaware that people have been roleplaying Alliance High Elves since Vanilla

The Alliance High Elf fanbase isn’t something that just sprung up out of spite when the Horde got Blood Elves. It’s been there since Warcraft 2.


I agree. I anly pointing that Could be easly fixed, and add what you said, we already have evidence.

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If the customizations are here to give us more freedom to play our characters as we imagine them, I want my yellow eyes and greyish skin. Just sayin’.

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Does Alleria still consider herself a high elf? Can one be both a high elf and a void elf?

Characters in Azeroth don’t think in terms of customization options or gameplay choices.

Alleria is a child of Quel’Thalas and a solider of the Alliance. She returned after 1000 years to find most of her surviving kin switched political affiliation. Didn’t change who she is.-Steve Danuser


Holy crap. It’s like if People weren’t allowed to RP as Lordaeronians, Stromgarde, Valgarde Humans, just because the In-game Human is from SW. KEK


Except they’re not, nightborne and night elves have a distinct difference in idle animations, stance and a tweak to the skeleton. As I said in my post, I would be infinitely less pissed if void elves had gotten the same treatment.

You know your argument is totally moot due to the existence of the very first and original VE Alleria Windrunner right?

Quit trying to ruin other peoples fun, Blizzard owns VEs not you, they have made the call to give them more Alleria like looks, deal with it.


They have a teleport racial that could easily be explained with a dozen different types of magic, and in combat every once in awhile their skin turns partially blue for 10 seconds. Wow, you got me. All the clearly-high elf inspired customization options and the fact that high elf NPCs started roaming about everywhere as soon as the customization options came up, none of that matters because of these vaguely kind of voidy racials that could be explained in non-void ways.

You’re right dude, none of the evidence that Blizzard intended these options to let players represent high elves matters because the teleport void-elves use is purple instead of blue. I didn’t realize how significant that was.


I alr ady said alleria is a special case given how she came a velf in the first place. Doesn’t apply to regular velves.

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Considering we have void elves who were high/blood elves, yes it does. You see them in Telargus learning to be void elves.


If we were talking about lore and class, and spell animation, the gameplay of wow is too short.

If we had a more lore centric Game every little spec of every class, from very racial origin would have different spell particle colors, from very diferent energies.

Your goblin was Gallywix’s rival who barely survived a shipwreck. Your draenei crash landed right before BC.

anything else is just silliness

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Um well yeah lmao. No other being on azeroth can do such feats unless they’re a velf…

Again, double think insanity is what you’re describing.

Oh really, those velves had a dying dark naaru blow up in their face?

Their learning to control their powers, not becoming one.

One of the problems with void elves is that we don’t really know where they’re coming from.

There’s obviously more of them than the original “small elite crack squad”, given that the Horde player kills more than that questing. So they’re coming from somewhere.

It’s easy to make a probable guess as to where, especially given the customizations Bliz keeps adding, but we don’t have hard and fast lore on it. Yet.


Let the velfs had their skins, and hair colors. I am fine with that. This kinds of threads are just non-sense


Okay well I hope people don’t start crying for green maghar or uncorrupted Guineans. The idiotic redundancy would be insane.

“But mah rp’s”

Plz keep imaginary crap where the sun don’t shine. Don’t spill that crap into the physical game.

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It’s time to let it go. It’s clear Void Elves are meant to encompass Alliance High Elves even if they were originally a separate thing.


Maybe some people want to RP as someone who is super special like Alleria. In this game, the player character is pretty much automatically one of the most special, important people who ever lived anyway, so surely they should be allowed to have hair that isn’t blue or purple

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