Remove natural velf options

Because you’re looking at this in an incredibly strange way no one else is. No one making their void elf all natural-looking is viewing their character as a void elf anymore. They’re not a void elf as soon as their make those alterations. They’re a high elf.

Same thing with your Maghar hypothetical. If they were to have a green skin option, no one would make that change thinking “Lol yeah they’re still a Maghar, just green.” They’d make that change because they want to play a normal orc.


Then they wouldn’t be a void elf! Lmao, like what?!

I always found very strange the fact that we got alternate orcs as mag’har when we just could have gone to Outland, and ask those orcs for help, and would be easier and simpler story-wise

Eeeer wrong.

Mouse over your character. It says void elf.

You also turn into a void creature in combat and can create void rifts. Also void elf heritage armor. Why? Because your a velf.

Don’t give me that crazy double think insanity.


Because the yrel story needed an in for future plot, but that’s a different topic.

you are just seeing what the game tells you.

People who RP sees beyond the limitation of the game.


I really like the old fashioned Mag’har. I liked Outlands.

…We could also use Dragonmaw and Blackrock skins on our regular orcs, to boot.


What the game says is law lore wise. I don’t go by make believe shenanigans

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Notorious non-make believe thing, the Lore of World of Warcraft


Lore says: There are HIgh elfs on the alliance-> THere are option to get close to be a high elf on the alliance via Velfs, Therefore some people will RP as alliance Helfs.

It’s not make believe, it’s taking the closer thing you can to RP what you want.


Easy enough fix.

Blizzard can add a npc dialogue in the Telogrus Rift and show new void elves being made from belf scholars and helf wayfarers.

At the end of the ritual to transform them have them come out with randomized void elf customizations and boom.

All canon.

Void elves get more lore, an explanation of how more are made, and all void elves are canonly void elves. (not to dissuade rpers)


You’re the one who’s using ‘lore integrity’ as a crutch for your weird crusade no one else agrees with. I’m just telling you what the entire roleplay community is doing with it, you know, the ones who engage with the lore directly as a fun past time. It’s not ‘double-think insanity’, it’s just the reality of the situation.

What it says when you mouse over your character is absolutely irrelevant. No one making these natural customization options on their void elf is doing that because they want to be a natural-looking void elf, they’re doing it because it lets them play high elves in every possible way with the sole exception being what the text says when you mouse over them lol. It’s incredibly easy to just look at a natural-looking void elf, go “Oh, that is a high elf player” and go on with your day. Not a single other person is clutching their pearls about how it breaks their immersion that someone dares look like that when they ‘should be a void elf’.


There are some implications, there a lot of Helfs npcs walking and rining around void elves, on SW. and even the rift.


Um no. The options make your VOID elf LOOK like a helf. But youre still a velf. Especially considering you turn into a void beast once every minute in combat.

Just like how bronzebeard dwarves with tattoos aren’t actual wildhammers from the hinterlands.
Their just bronzebeard who are wildhammers weebs.


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. But I’ll always have something (or a lot of somethings) to ask for, customizationwise.

Because I like making my characters look fancy before I shove them into random battlegrounds.

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Vague and doesn’t explain anything.

They need more.


And all our playable pandaren fit in one balloon.

in b4 some nerd who doesn’t know lore comes in talking about how dragonmaw arent lore accurate and how blackrock are already playable on maghar


So, if you wanted to RP as a Warrior belf,before cata, you just won’t just because the class wasn’t aviable to them till Cata?

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