Remove natural velf options

What irony?.. i don’t see the irony of a Tauren wanting what is originally an allianc–

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh… i get it now. :open_mouth:



Live with it.

I disagree with natural options for Void Elves but I’m over it. It’s honestly not a hill I’d like to die on.


To you maybe.

And its Five rocks.

I see what it could be. Great darkened spires of silver, void crystals humming at their tops. Lodging for our people and storage for our food from SW. One island dedicated to training Wayfarers and Scholars as they embark upon the path. Another island dedicated to our warriors, rogues and rangers training to protect and defend us on the battlefield. A third island for our magisters to further study the void and advance our cause. At the center island surrounding the void storm, now contained, an edifice to give our recruits the infusion of the void they need to take their final step into a new life.

The doors are open to us. Its time we walked through them.


youre an anti now?

You’ve gotten me confused in the past. I’ve always been.


no i know who the real antis are. i keep tabs. its really just been me and softsong and grabbag that havent been liking posts that think voids should get a pure black and even white hair color and never said something like ‘just give them their high elves already’

First of all, yikes that you keep that and pulled that up so easily within 1 minute of my comment. It was over a year ago.

Second of all, I’ve always disagreed with natural hair colors being given to Void Elves and have shown many times this in the Void Elf mega-thread, though I’ll admit I use the skin tones on two of my Void Elves to give them a “darker” appearance.

And third of all, you confused me a few months back and I actually went to the anti Discord to see if you were there so we could discuss. :joy:

You edited yours so I’ll edit mine.

I think it’s weird that you are not taking my word on this. I disagree with some things, agree with others, and am involved with both Discords on both sides of the debate.

I’ve always thought black and white were fairly neutral. I think all races should honestly have access.

I’d like to see them get really Voidy-dark stuff.

Thanks Fen. :heart:


Imagine Void Elves getting a super dark void skintone


That inability to tell friends from foes applies to some antis just as well as it applies to some pros.

I respect that you have a very rigid viewpoint on it, but you could just take them at their word.

How dark we talking?


Void dark that isn’t blueberry. Their racial is a good start on how dark when it triggers.

I would settle with Alleria dark when she’s in her Void form.


Many seem to want the EE coloration (and a few shades of it). Not a bad idea honestly. Some folk want to just be that form all the time. I like it.


Would love for something like this.


I’m just not a fan with it effecting the hair to be honest. I just want that skintone.

I’ll always favor Drow skintones.


From what I can tell of most who request it, while they often request the hair as well, they would be separate.

I’d just deal with it if it still effected hair. Wouldn’t be a deal breaker as long as it’s just an option :smiley:

As it stands, the Void Elves just ain’t Void enough for me to main one.

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I won’t main one either, mostly because their racial gives me a migraine and personally, I think there was a huge missed opportunity to do Drow/Gothic/Dark elves that just… slid past.


just for the record ive enjoyed interacting with you fen. but lets not kid ourselves, we both know what side of the fence the other is standing on

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Damn. Are you trying to gatekeep who an anti can be now? That’s really silly.


Well there is still story potential for VEs. I really enjoyed what I saw with Umbric in BFA. Homeboy was tossing ambassadors into the endless Void. Pretty metal.

They just need to embrace the Void side more when it comes to customizations. The problem is people will lose their minds if they get anymore so we’re going to see them go in limbo.