Remove natural velf options

Hah, we do love ourselves some morally grey characters. I’d love to see Void Elves go full metal; voidy eyes, dark storylines, etc.


No, don’t you? With all the bloody complaints I would expect you to have switched to Void.

Yeah I’m a new big fan of Fen with that Void Elf thread. So many good Void theme ideas.


100%. I did a mini bump too. Sad it sort of lost momentum.


Well it would be shocking if Blizzard hasn’t already seen the thread.

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I knew they’d likely seen it, but I doubted they’d give any AR customizations in Shadowlands so now that we know they are

Waggles brows

I think I saw it once and was legit too lazy to enable it. Gotta go back and do the do.


Love to see more Void-y options. Wish comments targeted at me weren’t so aggressive for having mildly different views when this is overall a very wholesome conversation. It saddens me to see Void Elf theme, what I feel, sort of watered down. I’d love to see more Void options, and if natural hair colors came with Void options, well… That’d feel okay to me, I guess.



We have the potential we just need to wait for now.

In the future I expect them to be part of that Alliance going a little darker theme the devs keep promising.

I appreciate it!

Actually working on a rework of the thread given current events. (not removing anything just want to change how its all placed.)

Gonna add a bit about what I see for the future of the Void Elves too.

Bah, we lose momentum there every other day. We’ve been lucky not to have too much conflict.

I hope they have. I asked Linxy earlier if they had any plans for the void part of void elves for the future and if they could let us know it might come in the future.

They didn’t respond to that but I don’t blame them.

Remind me on the discord. I have it bookmarked and can get it to you quick.

Yep. I’ve mained a Night Elf most of my wow career and its always bothered me.


I am immensely tired at comments being so harsh for minor differences of opinion… or being called an anti simply because I dont ascribe to the normal high elf concepts of whats acceptable or not. Or a pro just because I’m ok compromising a bit to get to the void options I want. (though honestly I dont see it as compromising when I suggest a hair color that is obviously not natural).

And to your other point, I feel the watered down bit too. Nothing against the high elf folk who now have that bit they wanted… but its not for me. I like void elves for the void bit.

If we had these natural options with that twisted ombre starcursed look in it… I can live with that.


Omg… no OP, this thread is NOT gonna age well.

Stop. Just… stop.

Admirable. Personally, the “wAiT aNd SeE” BS stopped working for me after Sylvanas´ Warbringers cinematic.

Average Alliance portrayal, Fen. Circa Vanilla times. The issue is NOT about Alliance characters acting downright evil in some cases, is the narrative retroactively justifying their actions -that is, IF they even care to asknowledge in the first place.

Unless there´s a REAL change in mentality in the upper eschelons of Blizz HQ in the story department, you may have to wait forever to get actual “darker themes” -I mean, we can´t blame Afriasiabi now considering he left after mid BfA times… and if the current story of SL implies anything is that the Soap Opera of Blanduin and Sylvie is barely starting-.

It is a more fucused thread with less baggage involved -I mean, I don´t expect our thread will survive for long, after all “dumping on Belf fans” has been “on trend” since TBC. From both Alliance and Horde players alike-.

I may need to reconsider my Bestie´s words about “stopping caring for the useless and meaningless Barbie minigame” and focus more on the gameplay.


I take 9.1 storyline was a lowkey kick in the nuts for the Dudu?


Effectively I don’t have a choice in the matter.

High Elf options were the priority for Blizzard… not void ones.

Good for them, less so for me.

Have to make do.

Don’t worry though I’m just as pessimistic about it as always despite the face I put on. I dont honestly think it’ll happen.

I had a slight hope… that Tyrande and the Army of the Dark Moon would really be a turning point for us… but…

yeah… this…

I have almost lost all interest in Night Elven stories going forward… We should be warriors. Not pacifists who don’t want to at least put up a damned fight for their home.

We’ll do what we can to keep going. I don’t intend to let the devs forget we’re here.

Blizzard gave me “So many doors are open to us now.”

-I- will walk through them damnit!


you guys are still acting like a a bunch of karens wow shocker :sob: :joy: :face_with_hand_over_mouth:

LOL an apology for what making cosmetics that people like ? :thinking:


Nah, just noting that the Karens who don’t have anything better to do than try and make witty attacks on people won’t be happy until Blizzard apologizes for slighting them by making a more interesting story by putting the Blood Elves on the Horde way back when.


Tell me about it… being doing that since middle WotLK (my first huge dissapointment was to see the Forsaken getting IGNORED in the in-game resolution that dealt with the a-hole that cursed and abused them so sadistically… hasn´t gotten better AT ALL since then).

Maybe that´s why I could never understand nor much less relate to the Helfers; after all for me it has always been “make do with what you got -even if you raged- but eventually dismiss and move on”. The “Imma complain for decades” paradigm I never understood.

They took Elune and made an “Aphrodite” out of her, not the Abrahamic based deity the devs always taunted you guys with.

This is very kind from you tbh. You don´t have to, I at least DO appreciate the effort; after all I don´t believe in the “only for MUH snowflake Pally/Mage/Hunter gameplay experience or GTFO” mentality, and I can see that when you say “I appreciate the Belves”, you aren´t merely trying to appease, but that you honest to God feel as such.

In my view what makes the Belves special and different from the other elves (Velves included) is how incredibly good they became at balancing their society between two opposing dichotomies like “we need to do anything to survive” and “we need to preserve the life of our subjects in the most efficient ways”. Both actually contradict each other (after all the first one values recklesness and the second security), but these people managed to somehow made them coexist and work properly with excellent results.

I despise both the “Edgelords to the billion potency” approach and the “we´re basically long eared humans goodie two shoes who can do now wrong” approach, Belves are WAAAY more complex than the private humid dreams of the Purity sue crowd or the Edgelord crowd, period. Middle ground IS what made Blood Knights possible in the way they came to exist. Middle ground IS what let the elves rebuilt Silvermoon in days. And so on…

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oh so like you guys anytime someone brings up void elfs ok got it

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I like void elves, and I’m not the ones trying to keep the people who like them from getting any actual new customization for their actual theme.


“actual theme” implying that these natural colors are not apart of being an elf


Completely untouched by the void options do kind of go against the void touched theme. And are really really unimaginative and boring.


I see the point you’re going for, but this is no more “against the [Insert Theme]” than Blood Elves whose eyes aren’t Fel-infused. :man_shrugging:


You know fel infused isn’t actually a blood elf thing? Slightly fel tanned eyes is about the limit. They’re more of a survival story and a twist on the high elf theme.


well thats your opinion


Natural hair colors! → Rename us High Elves! → Remove Blood Elves!

This is the road they want.