Remove natural velf options

Why do bloodly elves cry so much?

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you summed up the OP with this sentence. He couldn’t give 2 licks about void elves. The fact alot of alliance players will be happy with customization options that make them look more like high elves is what pisses this guy off. Nevermind the fact high elves have been Alliance since forever, nevermind the fact that most people probably support this, nevermind the fact that adding more customization is good no matter if they added more void stuff or high elf stuff. This guy is just super salty that the alliance dare get anything they have been requesting.


Gonna be so hype running around the way I always imagined this character to look. Can’t wait for the natural hair colours :grin:


dont you main a void elf?


Wait… He does?

Only if they remove taurens first.

I don’t know, it just seems unimmersive to hear all this and think my undead priest aren’t in complete pain from the light. Just saaaaaaaaaying… :thinking:

Well first off, you can say with any other race. I mean bloodsail has a bunch of humans, and their neither horde nor alliance.

Second, believe it or not, you can get Kul’tiran humans on the horde side. As Undead customization that is. I mean Undead sort of falls under a general category of whatever undead humanoid (I would say human, but there’s elf dark rangers so) has the willpower to not be a mindless zombie really.

I would’ve figured you would know where was i going with this when i bought up forsaken, but i digress. The point i was making that there is a plausible way to get those guys to be the forsaken, since judging from what happened with Derek Proudmoore, it would be safe to say they aren’t immune.

Yes, being Forsaken doesn’t mean you’re part of the horde automatically. But i’m pretty sure the alliance has a history with undead, in that, they don’t want anything to do with them.

It’s better then just insulting, mocking people, shaming people who don’t really even care or just overall acting so indignant towards something that doesn’t even matter. It’s better to make an actual convincing case with supporting evidence then just “being blunt”… Infact, “being blunt” doesn’t excuse you for being a jerk.

Or, alternatively, you could’ve just made a thread… just asking or making a suggestion to have more void customization in addition to the high elf options. Like this. :point_down:


There. I fixed your thread. :slight_smile:

Requesting character customizations is entitlement now? I’m sorry, but what is this thread about again? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

People been wanting that since playable mag’har has been a thing. And vice versa. Do “i want to play Mag’har but with regular orc racials” not ring a bell?

Speaking of, it just seems a little tad convenient that only now you have a problem with Void elves having high elf skins. Granted, outrage don’t have a time limit, but didn’t Shadowlands launched like 9 months ago? :thinking:

Actual convincing?.. compelling evidence? Explainations rather then declarations? laying off the hatred? :confused:

…Why you think FF14 is bad for doing this? I mean their simply giving what people want.

Actually more importantly, why people need to bring up FF14 in a conversation that has nothing to do with it?

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Lore is important. But keeping a semblance of balance between the population of both in-game faction is more important to keep the game healthy.

Sure! Have at it! :smiley:

Infact, throw in the Felblood elves too. All of that sounds cool. :slight_smile:


So when high elves don’t change the population imbalance.

What is your plan b?


“Oh but the Mister T mohawk haircut? Nah, that’s fine. I don’t care if it doesn’t match up with what the night elves all about or how much that will screw up the lore, it’s just a haircut”

To quote from Rags… “…No self awareness, at all.” :neutral_face:

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Either one works in this scenario really! I mean Telogrus is just a floating rock. I’d say make an instanced Alliance Dalaran people can visit and that could be officially recognized as the Alliance Thalassian Hub. Would be nice to see some High Elves on the Council of Six too. In that scenario you could add a portal to Telogrus somewhere in Dalaran if that was still gonna be used by the Elves. Would be cool if there was a world revamp and Dalaran actually landed somewhere but an instanced Alliance/High Elf version would be fine too.

If in Stormwind, it would be cool if they made a new district called the “Thalassian Quarter” and put it in that area right behind the mage district where it’s just trees and that WoD portal to that dungeon. Doesn’t need to be anything fancy. Just a few High Elf buildings and some NPCs. As well as a portal to Telogrus.


Shut the game down.

It’s not like a simple cosmetic tweak can undo almost two decades worth of damage done via reckless development. Though the decision might be a significant way to convince casual/RP horde players to roll alliance, the main problem(s) that causes the faction imbalance snowball still lies within the game. The problem(s) being broken core mechanics (and botched lore).

To counteract the snowball, further steps must be taken. Make faction change from horde to alliance free and offer an incentive or benefit (i.e. achievement sync, easier XP / rep / currency gain, etc.) for horde player to roll their mains as ally.

Hopefully with these steps, both the cosmetic and gameplay issue in relation to faction imbalance can be solved.

Hey I’ll grant you you’re not one of those who thinks high elves will save the Alliance.

Very good.

Get so tired of the belief that any race would somehow change anything.


No bro, it is better to remove Void Velfs options and rename them High Elfs!






cough TBC cough

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Telogrus is cool if you’re a Void Elf and not cool if you’re any other race I feel like. It’s out there in bad space.

The absolute irony of a tauren paladin complaining about people getting something that wasn’t before available, but people wanted, so Blizzard did it.


The main slide to Horde dominance started in MoP with that botched super racial trolls got.

Sorry but TBC more balanced things out rather than unbalanced.