Remove natural velf options



Titan robots is the new Alliance aesthetic now that Horde has like 2 actual beard options.

Rhokthok doesn’t want Vrykuls. They look too much like humans. Rhokthok is already upset that he couldn’t kill Nightborne or Blood Elves or Undead.

Now Rhokthok can kill natural haired void elves who pretend they are high elves or blood elves.

Tahonto disagrees. Tahonto thinks vrykuls are giants compared to humans and who’s culture works well with the horde.

Only giant we need are Taurens. Rhokthok wants to let Tahonto know that Highmountain Taurens are tad taller than your kind. It’s the horns.

Yes to the pretty natural hair colors for my race … thank you :blush:


What about Ogres? The ones from Dustwallow are already technically part of the Horde. Just gotta make some fem models and you have another giant race!

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Rhokthok has never seen an ogre’s mother.

No, it wouldn’t be. Are they human in nature, or Stones in nature? I do not know.

Arakkoas? Hmmm Aah, I have an idea, since we are talking about race for the two factions, how about the division of the Arakoas go to the horde and the alliance? Those who have a wing and worship the Sun and Rukhmar go to Alliance, and those who worship the Void and Anzu go to the Horde. What you think?

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A neutral race but unlike the Pandas actually looks different depending on the faction and have different lore. I like it!

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“Why is the horde always so against the alliance getting an… HEY! NO THAT BELONGS TO US, KEEP YOUR GRUBBY HORDE PAWS OFF OF IT!”

Every time.


I’ll confess, back in Draenor I argued a lot in groups that they should be playable and were the true harbingers of Void’s magic. I hated the Ren’dorei with all my might, seriously. For me they had ‘‘stolen’’ the Arakkoa slot.

My hope of them being playable has died, I guess they’re not that popular because they’re not… ‘‘beautiful’’? But I loved everything about them, the technology, the powers, the look…

I’m the same way with Ethereals. Dream is dead.

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Maybe once Yrel starts her Grand Crusade she’ll chase the whole lot of them from Draenor and into the waiting and willing arms of the Alliance and Horde. One can hope :slight_smile:

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it really is sad. all alliance care about are sexy elves. not something new. all that matters is tolkeins holy trinity of you know what races and how dare blizzard stray from that

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Oh god this thread is still going.

Also I can’t believe it’s 2021 and people are still going ‘Horde players’ and ‘Alliance players’ as if people haven’t been swapping back and forth for over and a decade as suits them. Like we’re not all just people playing an ancient game as we sit in our chairs with poor posture and lack of hydration.


Hey, the D’orcs stole the Blueside “genuine beard, not anemic chin rat” aesthetic.

Time to get BIG in exchange.

Someone is trying to get me to actually make the thread clearly. :stuck_out_tongue:

I think you need your eyes opened honestly.

ROFLMAO now I know you’re trolling! Cries "MUH LORE,"rages against logical concepts already in existence and then says this.

HAHAHAHA :rofl::rofl::rofl:


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I agree, High Elves Alliance side don’t need Silvermoon. If they were to have an actual city they should just have it be Dalaran. Have them return to the Alliance (Like they should actually do and stop flip flopping allegiances every other expansion) and be the High Elf racial city. There’s other races that live there too obviously humans but High Elves have always been part of Dalaran and its the best place to function as their central hub.


This would work as an Allied Race thing, since home bases tend to be instanced. Which is good, because Dalaran has a tendency to move around.

It could also just be in the Stormwind Mage district.

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