Remove natural velf options

Heck ya, you’re on the right track! And Suramar is a big place, the Alliance can have a different part of the city as their starting area and a new story as to why a faction of Nightborne want to join the Alliance (spoiler: all the spikes in Orgrimmar are ugly).

We’d need a new Nightborne NPC leader, but I’m completely for this.

Someone should probably tell whatever dev you are talking about and not linking to that someone keeps adding in high elves to alliance quests and hubs as recently as BFA.

Is there something wrong with your normal speaking voice are are you just starting to really like me? If we are RPing I can get down with that I just need to know what im in for.

Hmm, maybe Valtrois? She’s pretty full of herself, can’t see her being happy having to associate with those savage Horde races. Oh, better yet, that Night Elf you helped cure them with the Arcandor! In fact he can be the bridge that brings the Nightborne and Night Elves together. Man, this is practically writing itself.

For sure. Valtrois doesn’t live in spikey mud huts!

Seems more likely that the alliance high elf npcs will be turned into void elves.


Ok, so once we have new hair colors, paladins, and that destroyed part in Silvermoon claimed for the Hig…Void Elves, we can move on to getting Nightborne on the Alliance!

Pff, who wants Nightborn?

I want neutral Highmountain.

I miss those guys when I’m Blueside.

Also, I want Blizzard to stop making night elves shorter randomly every now and then, but that’s a whole other thing.

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Does this happen?

I’m with you other than the Silvermoon bit.

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I mean, according to some people Baine is basically Alliance lite anyway, and he and Mayla seem to be romantically involved. I’m sure Baine would be a right nice chap and send a few High Mountain our way.

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I’ll take Baine! Baine to be the Leader of Alliance Nightborne!


Female night elves used to be around 7ft in game. Right now they’re around 6ft.

I blame male orcs being insecure.

And also, Alliance needs more BIG races. Lore correct for worgen please.

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Vrykuuuuullllsssss pleaaaaaaasseeeeeeeee

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Rohkthok is an orc. Orcs don’t welcome weak things. Orcs like strong things like fellow orcs who fight in the frontline battle. Like my wolves and fellow Taurens and Trolls.

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Are you guys just trying to seem smaller?

Vrykul would be better off in the horde, obviously. Alliance can get like arrakoa or ethereals.

This just in, HOrdEs mad.


Rhokthok isnt’ mad. Rhokthok is glad this happened.

He can finally pretend he can kill Blood Elves.


oh, i was referencing a blizzard q&a from april 26, 2018, where the game director speaking on behalf of the team on why they passed on ‘high elves’ as an allied race. basically that they are already playable on the horde for you and that, and this is a direct quote from that q&a,

There’s a couple… We just met Alleria again… But they’re not out there in the same way.

and they added 4 in bfa. so 4 showed up for alliance for the fourth war. 1 was a portal keeper. 2 are the airship easter eggs. 1 on an island expedition team. only 1 even had the guts to actually fight on the ground. thats worth as much as it sounds Z

tauren and goblins arent sexy enough apparently