Remove natural velf options

Eh, we don’t really know one way or the other who has more, no numbers given.

I have two myself and I wont be changing them into “high elves” either.

My point was that without selectable racials (as well as the visual customization and a tag that says “high elf” when you mouse over) void elves are not a compromise.

Well most likely Legolax or Lagolaz or maybe Lagolas. Alternatively they may also be trying to play a rogue named Legolas. I don’t judge.


you know whats funny, i recently rewatched the hobbit. even in that universe the elves wanted nothing to do with dwarves and humans until the orcs showed up

Yes, it is not a compromise unless they get 100% what they want. Haven’t you been paying attention?


Honestly i think they should just rename them High Elves at this point. Or similar to your second point, they could just give them an overall new name that can encompass BOTH the standard High Elves of the Alliance & Void Elves. Idk what that name could be but something like that could work and would allow ways to introduce stuff like Paladins if they wanted to.

I suggested “Allerian Elves” before to include both groups. But maybe they could come up with something better. But honestly i think just “High Elves” could be fine.


I just feel so bad for that poor word the way they keep on abusing it

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Now that we know High Elves also joined the Horde, it is hard to tell, but I would imagine it is a more sizeable number than Blood Elves that decided to dabble in the Void so much that they turned blueberry colored.

Even then, I don’t really care to be honest. A lot of Void Elves want to play High Elves instead, just give it to them. Give Nightborne some Night Elf stuff. Give Undead Blood Elf, Human, and Night Elf models. Who cares? If people get to play what they want to play, just let them. No harm done. More customization is awesome regardless.

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Are you sure?

I agree. Also there aren’t enough hair styles.

But we do what we’ve done for three years. Ask for stuff.


You know what, I am going to go watch the extended cut of LotR when I get home. I love that movie even more when I suddenly realized that Gimli is Professor Arturo.

The numbers are implied as is always the case in WoW. You rescue a handful of void corrupted blood elves from a single expedition of blood elf outcasts. I’m pretty sure that that is far less than the number of high elves that could form the silver covenant and hold the several high elf towns and outposts around Azeroth and outland.


Silvermoon Remnant. Bring back that blast from the past. It’s applicable to both groups. :rofl:

That’s not how they name “Races” which are just factions I guess. Though… Kul’tirans do exist.

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I’m pretty sure you’re probably counting some of those elves multiple times.

There are a bunch of High Elf lodges. the High Elves that just live in Stormwind. The High Elves of Dalaran. The High Elves of Allerian Hold.


And Sallah

we have dev commentary as recently as 2018 concerning the elves they consider alliance aligned

/leans in close and whispers

it still syncs with their encyclopedia description. that they dont support the alliance like alleria and the void elves and that theres barely any

OMG my world is in shambles. How did I not realize this?

I’m sure they could come up with something. But again even just “High Elf” can still work as a blanket term for them. Anything though would be fine!

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