Remove natural velf options

Yeah, but it is clear on the direction Blizzard is actually going, so most HElfers are happy with this idea instead. It doesn’t mean we don’t want High Elves, but with this compromise, it is the closet we’re ever going to come too. Best we can do is just request for more to be added to give us that step closer.


This is true. But at the same time, Void Elves exist now and have a few fans. So… now that they’re a thing they’re a thing.

Honestly if I was Blizzard what I’d do is make them ally with High Elves and give them a brand new faction name. Kind of solves the whole problem.

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Fyre? I believe so. They act the same.

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That’s the one! Yeah. Figured. Same argument. Just be really obtuse that Blood Elves are a cultural faction and roll.

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Doesn’t help when there’s a dedicated set of victims actively campaigning against them actually getting their story so they can serve as their precious.

Nice psychic polling powers.

Burning Crusade then they pretty much dropped that group. I’d like to think a good chunk would go home as they never actually renounced it.

Rohkthok likes that movie. Full of happy animals and no angry animals always hurting each other.

it makes sense because you think that because a few individuals exist, it changes things

Give them crazy Void themes too, who cares. Just have fun with making stuff


I love that movie too. But the Gnome poster doesn’t live up to the lofty ideas of the movie.

Also, Kuzcotopia will always be better.

Not for me it doesn’t.

Turning voidy and being corrupted are the exact opposite of what I wanted out of high elves. If we had selectable racials like the zandalari then maybe.

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Thanks! It’s not really all that hard to see when an overwhelming majority of Void Elves now have blue eyes and natural skin tones.


Yeah, but they’re not void elf fans, just spoiled helfers trying to ruin what could have been an interesting race.


Not for the majority of people who want High Elves. Take a look at players who are playing Void Elves and look at how many people have blue or purple skin.

But, because they created Void Elves there are now Void Elf fans and they’re gonna be around.

I’ve got some Void Elves I like that I’m not turning over.

Hey twins! We literally said the same thing at the same time. :rofl:

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Exactly, “what could have been”. In their current state Void Elves make no sense. They are a very very small subsection of Blood Elves that decided to embrace the Void. Hardly enough of a population to base a playable race off of.

They could have been very interesting, I agree, but they aren’t and Blizzard will never succeed in making them interesting or a race that anybody wanted to exist.


As opposed to the remnants of a remnant that has basically acclimated to the other societies of the Alliance, but no, can’t use the void story, gotta have those cookie cutter elves

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You are not talking to people who care about lore, you are talking to people who want to play an Alliance hunter named Legolas.


I’m not sure what you are trying to say here. But, High Elves do still exist, sure as a small population, but not nearly as small as Void Elves. Even then, in MoP a population of the Blood Elves were considering rejoining the Alliance. Could have just played off of them wanting out of the Horde when Sylvanas burned Teldrassil.


wait for real? i had no idea

People have been able to do that since Vanilla. Next argument?