Remove natural velf options

Which lore? The lore made up by monkeys using crayons or the one made up by the monkeys using crayons?

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All these horde players that are so concerned about the Void Elf story. >.>


didnt you get the memo? theres nothing more behind the alliance scattered individual easter eggs. high elves are blood elves and before you strawman me, thats how it is when the remaining high elves are overwhelmingly blood elves to the point that modern ‘high elves’ always get mistaken for blood elves in alliance territory. im not even making that up. thats their canonical status. and thats why they pulled out void elves for you

What story is there for the Void Elves? All I see is the short story that seems to just be made up on the spot with nothing that makes sense.


Damn the Alliance is so damn ungrateful, they can’t stand the horde having one thing they like without feeling like the game is biased against them despite all evidence to the contrary.

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you know what, i think if we actually got the real nightborne model out of this, they might go for that next. “but we helped them in legion too, they should totally be neutral too”

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Rohkthok saw bunch of Blood Elves trying to carry a load of blue paint boxes and then got painted over because one Blood Elf tripped by accident.

Then they called themselves as void elves pretending to be Alliance.

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To be fair, they should have provided VEs with a scenario of controlling their Void when giving them non-void skin tones. Them popping outta no where wasn’t exactly immersive.

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Correction: Blood Elves and Void Elves are High Elves, but not all High Elves are Blood Elves and Void Elves.

All trucks are motor vehicles, but not all motor vehicles are trucks.


them going horde and night elf slaughter happy because tyrande was mean to them is silly, but I also don’t think their story was ever designed with the faction conflict in mind (it was originally stated they would never be playable).

and there it is. their favorite strawman


OH BUT SHES NOOOOOT A VOIIIIID ELF!!! Says the belflovers.

I doubt it will happen, although i could be wrong. Who knows what the future holds going forward. But this is why i wouldn’t care if they just renamed the race to High Elves going forward.

With all these new customizations i think that’s how they’re going to pretty much portray them anyhow when they show up as part of the story.

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That’s the whole thing.

All stories start somewhere and that’s what they got.

Though I wish they would have mentioned they were Blood Mages. I miss Blood Mages.



Just because you want to twist it around to fit your own narrative.


Hey. Now you’re talkin’!

Alliance Nightborne. I’m not sure how they’d not just be Night Elves. But you’re making a lot of sense.

Most Void Elf players never wanted void elves. They wanted High Elves. Might as well just give them what they wanted in the first place.


Silver covenant says what?

Alleria stronghold is for who?

The horde has the blood elves. Quel’thalas is the blood elven city, formerly the high elven city. Blood elves changed their names and their allegiance, high elves did not. Your meme doesn’t even make sense. Even if all we had was that one high elven mage trainer, they still go by high elf when the blood elves go by… blood elf so you would STILL be wrong.


Is this person Zootopia/I forgot her name? Same arguments.