Remove natural velf options

Yeah, but they have a seriously devoted following that is actively shouting. The only reason these threads show up so frequently is that it’s probably also the most opposed race addition.


Add more natural velf options! Add tons of customizations to the game!


Wow, I come back a couple of hours later and the Horde snowflakes are still screaming about stuff that doesn’t affect them at all!

Shocking, I say! Just shocking!


I think void elves should have an option for glowy void freckles.


The reason these threads show up so often is because the alliance wants their high elves. Void elves are a pathetic asspull of a race that bring little to no value to the player who wanted high elves. Of course high elf fans continue to hope against hope that Blizzard fixes their mistake. Hihg elf fans wanted loyal, blue eyed, untainted high elves that have been present forever on alliance side and instead got corrupted double-crossing blood elves.

For the record though, I also think that the maghar (the iron horde ones) were also a mistake. The Horde wanted uncorrupted orcs and got dollar bin bad guys.

As far as the “shouting” is concerned, no one is more obnoxious than the horde boys crapping on alliance for wanting a race that embodies all the things the alliance has stood for. What do those people gain by telling the alliance no? literally nothing. Worry about what you want to see added to the game and not about what you want to deny other players.


Are you surprised?

Night elves have been disgraced. Horde got their highly requested Vulpera, Mag’har, Zandalari, straight back option, Sylvanas loyalist option, Sylvanas redeemed, and more. While we got diaper gnomes, half baked cutscenes for Teldrassil, Elune destroyed, overweight humans, and basically no highly requested change outside of this and Horde just can’t have that. No, unacceptable, muh blood elves being stolen from me!

No they’re not. Even when we get these hair colors nothing will change. Alliance lore will still be destroyed, we’ll still be a dying faction with a fraction of the population, blood elves will still main Horde.


From normies who think because there’s npc’s runnign around SW means they should have high elf on alliance despite them existing on horde. They’re not a neutral race.

AGain, kt humans exist on horde and gobbies exist on alliance. No way they need to be playable.

Not delusional, just WAAAAY ahead of the curb and bult much more differently.

Why shouldnt they tho? Corrupt-A-wish aside


And they’d look just like any other request thread if people weren’t rightfully opposed to having their race copied. Arguments fuel thread length.

Why should people who like them care that you feel entitled to their stuff?

Well, maybe we like the actual story that they told and not the fanfiction you’ve made up about the super alliance high elves?


Said the people that whined for 14YEARSSSS about the horde getting high elf…

That is even more shocking…


Because they’re not a neutral race mechanically and already exist in horde. I shouldnt need to explain this…

You mean, blood elves. Cos thats the fanfiction right there. “how can we give an alliance race to the horde? OH I KNOW…”


I think in Blizzard’s eyes they probably see the High Elf additions to Void Elves being more worthwhile than more Void Corruption options. Like they probably see High Elf options being way more popular (especially being more aesthetically pleasing) than what more Void options would be.

The Void theme is super niche. To the point that i would argue standard “boring” High Elves have more to offer since they’re not locked to that single theme. That’s not to say there couldn’t be Void wielding High Elves but just being locked to that theme made them extremely niche. And they got ZERO spotlight during N’zoth’s patch back in BFA.

Going forward in the story i honestly woudln’t be surprised at this point if the Alliance Elves are pretty much presented as being High Elves rather than Void Elves.


Why do people get so upset about other people getting something they want?


I am still waiting for high elves to become part of the game.


Because we care about the integrity of the lore and making normal options for freaking VOID elves is as idiotic as making mechgnomes with no cybernetics or green skinned maghar.

this hasn’t been a thing for a long long long long long long long long LONG time. If you’re that concerned over the lore there are far bigger things out there than void elves getting brown hair.

It’s just a video game, let people enjoy their pixels however they want.


LOL, there is no lore integrity! That was shot to crap a long time ago by Blizzard.

I would go further to say lore doesn’t even exist anymore in game.


I have seen people being requesting for more High Elven customisations more civilized without going on a temper tantrum than what I have seen with all the Anti’s lately after Blizzard announced the 5 new hair colours.


Lore already has normal looking void elves.