Remove natural velf options

After seeing your other thread, you probably would. It was high quality.

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Okay mate.


I immensely appreciate that.

I’m going to go bask in that praise (cause I’m like that) and build a toy box for my son.

Have a good evening.


I mean, personally I would never expect something that high quality from a Legion AR. They are all laughably awful. Folks like to make it a competition on which is worse, but hey are all truly just low quality customizations labeled as separate races.


I would like to be able to voice my thoughts on the game without forum police hypocritically expecting me to act in a manner that they have never acted in. I think the elf swap was a mistake for the game, and bad for the story. After that I think that it’s a waste to turn an actually interesting elf twist into the dollar store blood elves just because some people can’t get over Tolkien.


Everyone who has been paying attention has a laundry list of things that they think were mistakes for the game and bad for the story.


To be honest a really fantastic way to give some balance would be a dark ranger option for the undead… we can dream :two_hearts:

He’s mad at me digging my heels in and refusing to be quiet, accept being screwed over, and and be happy about taking it. So much so he’s flagging my posts.

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You telling all of them to shut up and accept what their betters have decided, or are we just special?


I’m telling you that you should ask yourself if all this forum posting is making you feel better or if it’s making you feel worse.

For the record btw, I never touched this guys posts.


It’s something to blow some time on.

You have anything to say about the people who spent years being much more aggressive and bad tempered because they didn’t get the elves they wanted?

Sounds like they were a bunch of annoying jerks.


Don’t know if you were here for the initial drop of VEs being added, but if you think this thread is bad…hoo boy were the BE/HE fanbases clashing a sight to behold back in Legion.

Antagonizing, antagonizing everywhere.


actually its done for the same reasons you guys always claim. that they exist and people want them. oh, and to point out how completely pointless and lazy it is to clone something thats already there for anyone to play

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Yup, and we’re just a few days out so I’m still peeved that Blizz has basically attacked things I enjoyed in favor of other people not being minorly inconvenienced. And they’ve been running around acting insufferable since the announcement so yes I’ll snap at them, especially the ones that are nasty people for non-game related reasons.

Yes, I’ll get over it, hell, I was half expecting it because it was an easy way for Blizz to screw the Horde again for the Alliance’s gain, but I still pay subs, so I’ll still let Blizz know I’m here and maybe god forbid one day they’ll do something that seems like it was meant for me for a change.


I dunno, given their reputation as evidenced in this thread it seems self-evident that there are far, far, FAR more people who wanted Alliance High Elves than there were people who wanted Horde Humans. I pretty much only ever see people asking for Horde Humans in the context of discussions about Alliance High Elves. I’ve never seen it appear unprompted.


An elf with freckles would look heckin cute.


I think that group was louder than it was large. Well, at least the ones who HAD to have them. Plenty of people will play them if they’re available, but aren’t put out by playing horde for the look. And even now it’s been condensed down even further as the people who were satisfied by the prior adds have drifted away.


You are delusional.

High elves have always been the most requested race addition since the concept of adding new a race.

Final straw? or you will what? /eyeroll