Remove natural velf options

Well the thing is that Blizzard wrote themselves in a poor place because they made Void Elves directly void tainted Blood Elves. So essentially anything that Blood Elves receive, the Void Elves could as well. :woman_shrugging:

Void Elves and Blood Elves don’t have the cultural differences and time apart that Nightborne and Night Elves have. So unless Blizzard does something to culturally differentiate them apart…well…

To be fair, I think I saw an Alterac AR request thread a few years back. :thinking:

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Your aesthetic identity is still 100% there, nothing was taken from you.

Zero effort by your side has been put into expanding blood elf customization, so yeah, you got nothing.

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See, this is where it sucks for the actual void elf fans, they have to wait and wait for the actual interesting options to MAYBE show up on their race because people who for a large part actually dislike the race have decided it belongs to them now.

Stop it.

If it was that inconsequential in context of game arguing it’s inconsequential to everyone. They’ve always been playable. If you really needed the look the blood elves were there, and if you needed the alliance there was never anyone stopping you from saying you were playing a high elf. This is just more dismissal of people’s preferences in game in favor of the ones you like.


Void elfs are the living proof of how pathetically blizzard deals with player feedback. Instead of giving high elfs to the alliance, they gave that stupid void race and now turned them into low-budget blood efs.


This person keeps saying we’ve made zero effort, thus ignoring literally all the requests seen above. It’s almost as if they’re purposefully being obtuse

Yep, which is why they should have just given Alliance the High Elves that had been designed much differently than Blood Elves or nothing at all. Once they did this half butt compromise, the only out come was going to be this tug of war between BE players and VE (HE) players over how they look and who gets what, and what they inevitably will have to share. In the end everyone walks away disappointed or worse.

Yep, first they caved on keeping the twist in the story they came up with around BC to cater to a vocal minority, then they threw away all of the potential of what could have been a really interesting race to cater to the same bland tasted group.

It’s absolutely inconsequential. A year from now when there are natural haired elves running around everywhere on the Alliance nobody is going to care and everyone will have moved on to complaining about some other stupid BS.


Should have been Ethereal mummy elves.

This has been often requested as well and would suit them very well. I am sure they will get it sooner or later.

Yes, it would fix a lot of these issues.

There are enough people out there, especially on reddit, who would have been downvoted for making a pro high elf posting if there is not a bigger crowd who actually wants them. Let have them both and give the Blood Elves a better identity later on.

This is the biggest issue why all of these topics exist in the first place. Void Elves should have been available for both factions as a new super deformed elf version.

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That’s so ridiculous I think I’m sold. Although we need a little Tuskar thrown in there for effect.

Imagine how the current playerbase would have handled something like the Paladin/Shaman swap in TBC when they can’t even handle the other faction getting similar customization options

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There was but more recently someone put together a lot of new good stuff.

I could do things with a new updated thread that would knock your hooves off.

I’m just lazy…

If only that were true

Like we thought they’d move on after getting the model

Or then when they got the skin colors

Or when the were told they’d get the hair colors.

They’re never going to be satisfied and if Blizz keeps catering to them it’s going to keep hurting the requests of void elf fans and the people who appreciate uniqueness.


I don’t even dare to bring up the Pandaren because I know that a specific lady will strangulate me for ever mentioning them…

Man, they will be the same charcter. Same model, same options, everything. Is lame. Destroys faction identity.

But seriously? Why do the Blood Elves have to be the ones to try and find something new because other people can’t accept that the high elves joined the horde and changed their name?


I’d imagine it would be something along the lines of:

The manner in which you keep on focusing your anger on other posters rather than anything more conceptually abstract (which is nominally where your grievance is supposed to lie anyway) leads me to suspect that the heart of the issue here is you don’t want your annoying forum enemies to be happy regardless of how little it affects you.


High elves were always a possibility for the Alliance. They existed but they were a neutral race at that point, they did not identify with the blood elves and still felt betrayed. Jaina should have changed all of that however. She was many of the high elves leader in the Kirin tor and good friends with veleera , somebody they did probably look up too and identified with. When she asserted herself as alliance was the perfect time to bring them back. On top of that the night elves had even allowed arcane studies back into their home. Mages became a thing again. It would have been a great time to bring them to the alliance…

It would have made more sense actually!

But the void elves is what we received. And that’s okay! They have a very unique theme. It was just a really weird approach to giving each faction a popular model choice from the other. In a way it wasn’t the worst but it wasn’t the best. Nightborne didn’t look like their npcs and void elves weren’t the high elves many people would have preferred.

I don’t believe the middle ground is a bad thing. Having more natural tones for the void elves would make the aesthetic possible, but also still offer their new vision for a race at the same time. I would like more customization for both the less corrupted and the more corrupted looking void elves for that reason.

It would be just as cool to see beautiful long high elven up dos as much as it would be to see tentacle mowaks. Hopefully they go wild both ways eventually.