Remove natural velf options

There are threads about that very thing. Shockingly, they’re filled with people fighting over the same things seen here.

what about the people who want to play horde humans. why should only helfers get their way

Yes, you will in fact be happier if you realize how inconsequential the thing you’re getting mad about is.

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Go make threads demanding em. Have at it.


People have wants that include void elves not turning into knock off blood elves like they are. Void options have been completely neglected in favor of catering for a toxic subculture in the fandom, and if we’re supposed to just let you make your requests, you can put up with us advocating to actually get some sign that blizzard cares for more than just the loudest whiners.

Who cares? People have different tastes and just because people prefer not having what they like watered down by being given to the other side doesn’t mean it’s less valid than asking to copy someone else’s stuff.


Because the Horde doesn’t deserve anything except for self-flagellation as punishment for not playing the right faction. Basically Alliance bias.


i always wanted to play an alliance si:7 goblin too not a bilgewater cartel goblin tho

Where did you get your psychiatry degree at?

Why do you think that being screwed without my consent (I didn’t sign on to play a neutral race) is going to make me happy?

Nobody is stopping you from asking for this. Horde players generally don’t ask for this though, because unlike with Alliance High Elves, it tends to be something that the Horde only asks for out of spite.


It’s lost on them apparently.


But a whole bunch of expansions ago they fixed the game to actually give the Horde an almost equal leveling experience to the Alliance while laying the seeds to destroy the Horde we signed up for with continual nonsensical villain batting, so we’re totally the dev favorites.

Really liking these suggestions, especially the Darkfallen themes. Would love to see those implemented on Blood Elves. And the ear armor/damage would be pretty awesome too. I mean these ears we have can’t be that durable right? I mean pretty much the whole list would be great to see implemented. And I can’t see a single reason why BEs couldn’t have hairstyles and facial hairstyles that the VEs have (sans the tentacles that is). Although there would probably be a few things on this list that would cross over to VEs as well (which I’m not advocating for, just saying Blizz would probably do this) like the magister and farstrider customizations. Overall I hope BE players get some of this stuff, it would look amazing to see in game.

I’m all in for giving the Void Elves more Void options after the Blood Elves get something in return. If Blizzard is a bit smart about this, then they will add every patch 1-2 new options for most races to keep the people happy.

Green Eyes? Gold Eyes? Jewelry? Unique hairstyles? The colors red and green?

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Yeah. They don’t really want to play humans. They also, for whatever reason, don’t understand that Nightborne are Night Elves.

They absolutely need red eyes in my opinion. At least my Blood Knight would wear them.

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You don’t need a degree to acknowledge that strangers you’ll never meet being able to have digital representations of natural hair colors that you’ll also never see is something inconsequential and stupid to get upset about.


Alterac for the Horde!

First it’d be a request and also don’t tempt me…

I’m always so close to putting in the effort. T_T

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Giving them Dark Ranger options is pretty low hanging fruit.

Though honestly they should have just added a Dark Ranger and High Elf allied race.

Would fix a lot of issues. Entropic Embrace. Voice Files. Etc.

there is a running theme in this forum where it really just seems like posters want to say ‘I don’t have nice things so no one else should even though it doesn’t affect me negatively in any way!!! >:(‘

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