Remove natural velf options

I don’t think factions are fully to blame. The story team just doesn’t know how to write certain races, and unfortunately most of the ones that they have trouble with are on the horde. But generally the more the race resembles humans (like humans, elves, dwarves) the easier they seem to have with them.

I don’t blame them for it, but if you read the rest of the sentence the point is that the same people hiding behind that shield will also attack people advocating the opposing side as if they would be to blame if they were denied.


High Elves on Alliance has basically been the most requested player feature since vanilla.

Since someone might challenge that assertion, here is a wow developer stating it:

When they did customization in Shadowlands the art director said:

" According to a dev interview Ion gave several months ago, Blood Elves were originally unintended to have blue eyes in Shadowlands, but later on that decision was reversed following team discussions. If the art department was involved, what was the reasoning that led to blue eyes being added for Void Elves and Blood Elves?

Shadowlands Zones, Covenant Armor, and Character Customization Interview with Art Director Ely Cannon - Wowhead News

This is another place where there was a race, High Elves, in the game which hadn’t really been represented on player characters. Blood Elves were the closest, but had felt green eyes. It was an opportunity where we had a number of elven races, and we could tie it back to their roots, letting players choose where they want to align and what fantasy to play out. We did have a lot of discussion about it, ultimately we might do more in the future, but for now we’re providing the option to have a few High Elf customizations available."

But thing was they didn’t give Void Elf players any normal hair color options… and then they announced they weren’t doing customization options. Pretty upsetting stuff.

So now they’re adding natural hair colors.

There are still issues. Mouse over says, “Void Elf.” voice files are, “Void Elf.” and entropic embrace procs…

There are also few hair options.

So… Void Elf requests will likely continue for a long time.

But due to WoW developers stating it’s the most requested feature, I’d imagine it’s being well received.

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Not really. I started aggressively blocking most of them after that one time when my gender identity was commented on.

I just don’t need people like that in my life.


I’m interested to know why you think this way.

Every race is easy to write for when you just write them to be humans on the inside and abandon their culture and temperaments for easy writing :crazy_face:

Of course they are. People are abrasive in general. Like there was a BE dude getting snippity with a regular Story Forum poster because they missed their customization links.

Petite humans with long ears have folks emotional.

Your Faction got the model rigging I would like yours for the horde. seems very fair and a quick copy and paste.

Couldn’t agree more. I’ve always though how strange it was that Blood Elves, who share almost no cultural similarities with the rest of the Horde races (pre Nightborne), are on this faction and that is never explored. Given all the threats the Horde and Azeroth face, all the challenges they have to over come, surely the Blood Elves would have a unique perspective on all these issues that could be explored. Instead you have Lor’themar just nodding his head at whatever the Orcs want. I’ll give Blizz credit though, they did have him toy with leaving the Horde and joining the Alliance for a brief moment which at least showed Blood Elves aren’t lock and step with every decision the Horde makes. I just wish there was more story in game that supported why the Blood Elves are unique within the Horde.

Lots of people believe in god too, doesn’t make them right. Also, see social media. Only fools ever participated in that too. It’s very widespread and only used by morons. Popularity doesn’t mean something is good. I shouldn’t have to explain this and you come off like such a follower of a human being by what you said.

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Duh? I was agreeing with you on it. Also MY faction? lmao bruh more like my race. The factions are dog :poop:

This wouldn’t be an issue if there wasn’t a faction barrier :woman_shrugging: VEs could have just been a direct cultural addition to the race itself.

Yup. I just don’t see doing something like removing factions changing the problem that for the most part when we all work together it tends to be following human or elf npcs. It’s like they need a writer’s council with advocates for each race involved in planning.

I have my opinions in this, but I know it’s an opinion, I’m not against other people saying what they want. I’m just not a fan when people don’t give me that respect in turn, and especially when they have a double standard in what is an acceptable argument.


At this point, probably not. The damage has been done since the beginning of the game with forcing the ‘faction’ narrative on races that had no business in joining in the first place. And I’m not even talking about HE/BEs. Hell, we haven’t had a good world building narrative for the general development of the factions in forever. They kind of did it in BFA, but they didn’t go to the extent needed to really setup the current world affairs.

The fact that they wrote the VEs to even be exiled in the way that they were was laughable. Tyrandes direct hostility was laughable with the Nightborne as well when the woman accepted Highborne back into her society years ago. It’s hilarious that the LFD (and the Draenei in general) are going to go to war with the Horde when they assisted in the war against the Burning Legion.

I mean it goes both ways, and I’m not directing this toward you. I hope you’re as diligent to call out the folks on your side :woman_shrugging: But it’s ain’t your job to nanny folks being turds.

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This is so true for food. Especially food.

There is a short story about Lor’themar.

Basically the Blood Elf political situation is this… They need the Forsaken to protect them from the Undead.

They get strong armed to give troops to the Horde if they want to continue having this protection.

Once they recover they attempt to leave the Horde actually, but the deal goes south…

currently they’re in the Horde because of ??? Well. They’re in the Horde because you can’t actually have a whole race leave because the players would be upset.

So they’re stuck there.

The original reason they joined the Horde is because they were marketing WoW to asian markets and asian dudes wanted to play the Horde but their girlfriends wanted to play something pretty…

And so Blood Elves joined the Horde.

Before that, there was a Silvermoon remnant faction added to the reputation which was a bunch of High Elves trying to reclaim Silvermoon.

This was removed shortly there after.

If you support light hair colours and natural hair colours for Void elves feel free to comment on this thread guys. They deserve some natural hair colours as much as any other race in this game, and are so far the only race without a single proper natural colour that doesn’t look blue or purple.

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Also true for Blood Elves. I don’t care how many socially inept, virgin basement dwellers play Belfs (usually “men” playing female characters) and fantasize about their character being their girlfriend or some such nonsense. S l u t mogs, etc. Complete garbage pile of a race.

never ill cont to ask for things because i can you dont have to like it

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What a strange take.

I wonder what causes you to think this way.

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I do kindly disagree with this statement. This may be true for some people out there but humans are in general very egoistical and self-absorbed. Otherwise we wouldn’t have polluted the planet to such a degree where we can be lucky that we will not see the extreme outcomes when we die. The next generations will but thankfully we not.

the purpose of the horde isnt to be culturally similar. or they never would have joined them. but it did make sense. they are naturally aligned to the horde through sylvanas who as jeff kaplan says “was once a high elf, and therefore a blood elf”


Man, it’s already happening. We’re already seeing it.

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