Void Elves Deserve Some Natural Colours

I will start by leaving this here:

I have done no edits to this pic. Those are 6 different hair colours. Can you see the problem with this picture? They all look like they have a twin colour. Because they literally do…

Jet Black and Stark White should have been in there from the very start, period, as they perfectly fit both the Void and High elf themes. A single shade of blonde and brown would harm nobody either, especially seeing how Blood elves have 16 sufficiently distinguished colours, and at least 4 blonde shades.


Nightborne deserve night elf model and night warrior customizations



Such a bad faith argument. Night warrior literally happened after the split yet nowhere did it say that void elves (who were once blood elves or high elves) cannot have natural hair colors. What an unbelievable take.


Imagine actually saying a Horde race deserve the Night Warrior customization, when the Night Warrior powers were literally to fight the Horde.


Agreed! I’m also beyond grateful that blizzard has decided to grant us what we’ve wanted for soo long!


I’m not against Void Elves getting more. I want Blood Elves and Nightborne to get more too.

Edit: and we know Nightborne will get more.


I fully agree.

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Imagine actually begging for 15 years to steal a race from the other faction


Funnily enough, if I was a dev and people begged me for something for 15 years, I’d actually give them it. Alot sooner, in fact.


This is the right take. BE should get the fel-corrupted customizations, and Nightborne need a full slew of new options, which it fortunately looks like they might be getting.

Throwing a tantrum about other people getting things they want just makes you look like a child.


Worked out for void elves when blood elves were getting blue eyes. Then the void elves threw a tantrum until they got blue eyes too.

15 years of tantrums got them almost everything they wanted. I expect more tantrums will eventually get them void elf paladins.


I had made suggestions for a void/shadow and partially light themed (like disc priests) Spellbreaker class. Outright giving Paladins to Void elves is kind of a far stretch.

Just because y’all want something, or are even getting something, doesn’t make y’all deserving of it.

If it offends, then the Horde should have it. Restitution for what was done to Blood Elves.


The void elves are restitution for what was done to the Alliance back in Warcraft 3. Now the Alliance has nearly all the races/nations it once had back then.

Maybe not. But we are getting new options and I suspect will continue to do so. Maybe even just outright get high elves and be done with it.


Freaking elves, man. The tree, and the scourge obviously wasn’t enough it seems.

B-but dwarves and elves tend to get along :confused: but wait Legolas and Gimly didn’t get along in the beginning! They grew in on each other :wink:

Calm yourself there, Gimli

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I’m wondering if it was necessary to have another thread on this subject.

The only thing the elves deserve is to have their tree burned again.