Remove natural velf options

LMAO, ily. Good to see a sensible person in a sea of normy idiocy.

You know honestly, Void elves should never have existed.

The NB should have gone to the alliance and the horde should have gotten sanlyan as the Belf AR.

Now the only remedy to this is to give belves sanlyan skins via some questline, probably in revendreth, similarly to black eyes for nelves.

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Hold on a minute, didn’t you just said this eariler?.. :point_down:

So why all the sudden, gameplay mechanics doesn’t matter to the lore here? :thinking:

That’s not what i said, i’m just trying to help you on your lore here. You literally think that goblins must only be the bilgewater cartal and they are all horde when that is not the case. Just because they are npcs, doesn’t mean it negates anything said about it.

I thought you’re in tune with the lore? I didn’t think i needed to explain this to you, but do you not know how Forsaken works? Or is the Kul’tiran immune? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Maybe instead of being all “WTH are you even saying” you can do the normal thing and, ehh, correct me if i’m wrong?

See this is kind of thing i’m talking about. You don’t even try to convince people, you just shame them for disagreeing with you and just state things, and say they are right, and the others are wrong. And yet you wonder why people are against you.

This is why your thread doesn’t work and i’m more inclined to believe this is just a troll thread and you’ve gotten many bites as you did.


Hurting doesnt necessarily mean taking game damage. I’m sure getting slowed via CONCUSSIVE shot must hurt, yet no dmg.

Just because you are forsaken doesnt mean you’re automatically horde, christ.

Regardless, all I said is that the horde as KT humans in it’s ranks, should that mean we should have playable horde KT humans? IDK why you brought in forsakens into that.

Because even if I wrote a 5 page article you think that would change their minds?

I’m blunt cuz of im sick of all the normy entitlement in player requests. FFS we got people in the thread who are okay with green skinned maghar! They have absolute 0 idea of what the hell they’re talking about. Like what more do you want??

If I was in charge i’d replace all pale skins with blotchy voidy skins and if velf players didnt like it they can go weeb out in FF14 and ruin it by asking for earless / tailess cat girls.

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Antis are incapable of creativity, nothing but empty husk of hatred for fellow players out of an unearned sense of exclusivity in a game they don’t own and lore they skew to view in their favor.

Especially the Zombie, love to see her taking the L well. :face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth::face_with_hand_over_mouth:


God you are acting so obtuse. LOL

People are literally giving you plausible explanations and you just want to live in your bad little box.


Considering all the times we’ve watched the High Elves and Blood Elves study in that Rift in game?

You’re literally doing the same thing we are. :rofl:

It’s called “study ways to reproduce it based off what we have here.” Do you people just have no brains? LOL

That’s all they do because it doesn’t fit their version of what they want. LOL

Do you see Void Elves getting gold eyes or hairstyles?

The point is, the lore has been staring you people right in the face. Between Alleria and the studies in the Rift, it’s a possibility, just like your stupid GrOw A tHiRd ArM.

LOL sad but so true!


That’s also why Blizzard hasn’t listened to lore skewers and deniers twice in a row giving void elves canonically friendly skin tones and hair colors.

Think what the angry bois fail to realize is that void elves have, void customization, what they want to do is turn them into monsters to spite high elf fans, it’s been clear as crystal since they started pretending they care about an Alliance AR customization.


With recent news the eyes are all that’s left.

The issue is that velves have the options available to look exactly like belves. As if they’re a neutral race. It’s completely redundant

Anything is a possibility, no matter how stupid it is. Doesn’t make it not stupid or a good idea.

I’m a lore skewer???
You want unvoidy void elves and I’m a lore skewer. Haha wow.

I guess I’m also a lore skewer for not wanting green maghar too.

Man you people are backwards.

Myself and a few like minded people here just have a much MUCH stronger grasp of the lore than all the pro unvoidy elfers. No, im not trolling. Just built different.

Just remove the natural skins and bring some integrity back to this race. Or just make them pale with voidy blotches.

It’s never to late to course correct.

But if blizz’s insists then at least make sanlyan / dark ranger skins for belves via quest chain reward.

According to me, me and people who think like me have solid arguments and those who disagree don’t.

This is called alienation.

In this specific topic its called common sense on the material you’re discussing.

I see you are your lovely projecting self as normal. Because yes, those of us that don’t flip out when a game uses non-generic bland elves are the uncreative ones.

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The correct answer would be “both”. The original squad were Blood Elves but the game goes the extra mile to show you that High Elves are visiting the starter zone, suggesting in learning to control the Void.

This was the developer’s biggest mistake. Not changing her into an actual Void Elf.

This is true but you are forgetting something: The bigger people are offspring of some kind of Drust, the normal people are still regular people in Boralus.

This is true but at the same time also not. The Alliance High Elves are not part of the High Elves of Silvermoon City. I know so much by now.

If it were common sense, then it would be unanimous or at least pacified among the vast majority of players.

Unless you bring data, numbers and blueposts, it’s just your word against mine.

Let’s just stop using adjectives to describe elves at this point. No more Night elves, blood elves, void elves,… they’re all just elves now. We certainly don’t want to offend anyone with titles, adjectives, pronouns, etc. Let everyone have everything and homogenize the entire game.

The majority of players just cair about looking cool and have no idea what they’re talking about.

Once again there’s people here who a freaking cool with green skin maghar and void elf paladins.


That’s fine, the point is that playable races don’t necessarily encompass EVERYTHING that race has lore-wise.

Like uncorrupted gilneans, or berserker trolls for example.

Wrong. No one said anything about hairstyles. And thanks for proving me right! :+1:

Wrong again!

I agree. Your ideas and trolling are stupid and a bad idea!

Dude… Blizz just announced more natural hair colors for velves. You on internet explorer or something?

With these new hair options they will, internet explorer.

Yeah, giving void elves awesome void options is stupid compared to diluted features. Sit down.

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I am absolutely against uncorrupted Gilnean - or they should only stay for a short time as a Human. The Worgen are such a great fantasy race which still needs improvements. All the Hearthstone artworks make them look great which they are not in WoW.