Remove natural velf options

I don’t know, you said that the problem is the players. I thought faction imbalances were an issue in the game, but now you’ve brought up an argument about the… mentality? Ethnicity? Continent? I still can’t fully understand.


It’s called “plausible explanation for a new generation.”

Instead of being pissed off about some stupid hair colors, try being creative and coming up with reasons why they can look this way. It ain’t hard.


Oh, fanfiction.

Got it.

Exactly! :slight_smile:

Yet, tentacle arm and thrid nzoth eye isn’t fan fiction?.. :thinking:


Developer-based and mentallity. Feedback Loop effect which is irreversible. The developers are to blame regardless of the situation because they are the ones who have the power to change something every given day.


Considering all the times we’ve seen the effects of Void corruption in game?

Wanna look at shadowmoon valley?


You sure this is where you want to go?

Where did those scholars find a bunch of void gods (corrupted naaru) to reproduce that?

In the fridge crisper?
Behind the couch?
Underneath a pile of dirty socks?

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Don’t you know? They have a version of Amazon in Azeroth.

They now deliver dead naaru through different dimensions.

Like… this is totally plausible.

Void elf names Je’frey Bezothalas.

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If he happens to be a regular skinned one, they will consider him the overlord of the Void Elves too.

So you don’t think Void elves being high elves is fanfiction then? You got to make up your mind, it’s either all fanfiction or it’s all not. You can’t just apply double standards here.


Now I have the Bo Burnham - Bezos I song in my head. I’d link it here but it has bad words.

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Wait a minute, so is it plausible that the living creature most void of Azeroth is a normal elf, and the students who were playing with the void have tentacles? Even more so are the new Quel’dorei and Sin’dorei who joined the Ren’dorei cause (In the current custody of Alleria)

Stop guys. Just accept that customizations will come and we’ll discuss how Alleria will paint Silvermoon purple in our next demand.



Because playable Void Elves are not High Elves.

What double standards exactly? The ones you made up out of thin air?

But guys, you don’t get it, is not about playing a Horde race with extra steps

I agree, it’s not about a horde race, it’s about an alliance race that has always been in the alliance and is now playable.


Do you see HM getting bull horns, or LDF looking exactly like normal draenie?

Thats what’s happening with belves and velves, if you dont see the issue there then idk what else to say.

Alleria is a unique velf, did the playable velves have a dark naaru blow up in their face?

Jaina is Kul tiran yet she ain’t big and burly. Get the connection here?

Because lore wise, it just hurts them, but not enough to actual take dmg. It’s like they’re be cauterized. This is what blizz has said on the matter.

LOL so if you think alliance deserves goblisn then you’re beyond talking to.

WTH are you even saying?

You need a college essay to spoon feed you on why a VOID elf shouldn’t have natural features?

Should I also write a thesis on why mechgnomes need to have mech augmentations to be a mechagnome?

That “alliance race” has been in the Horde for 15 years lad.


Okay, why does that matter?

Also really think about what will it add to the lore. High elves and Blood elves come to the void elves to learn more about their power. Why we have to discredit the possiblity that they might come out looking unscathed? They might not look like a void elf, but they are… a void elf… they can use this trick to better fool the enemies or what not. I mean this is kind of smart if you think about it with blood elves having blue eyes and such. Who is your friend and foe?.. That to me sounds way a pretty interesting situation where it will possibly create distrust between the alliance and the horde. Wouldn’t you agree?.. :smiling_imp:

The double standards you thinking it’s alright for tenticle arms and thrid nzoth eyes to happen, but not high elves… even though high elves are joining the void elves… Kind of hypocritical. But something tells me you will say “my lore”… even though in lore, there’s no such thing as tentacle arms or nzoth eyes with void elves… but they have high elves joining…

Maybe if you don’t give me a reason to think it’s double standards or hypocritical on what you’re saying, i won’t say it is…

I lost.

You know what screw it.

Lets have mechagones with no mech parts, maghar (uncorrupted) who are corrupted with green skin. Lets have HM tauren with bull horns and blood hoof tattoos. Lets have normal kul tirans and normal gilneans.

Even better lets have Bald, tailess Vulpera with a green skin infections too!