Remove natural velf options

You mean how the only difference with Highmountain is the horns and a few tattoos? Or how Light forged are getting Draenei stuff now, so it’s only gold crap on them that’s different? Draenei even got similar horns already.

Did you even care about elves before or are you just trolling like usual because it’s the hot new topic?

It’s Blizzard’s game and they made the decision. Alleria exists. She’s co-lead of Void Elves. She looks like a High Elf. Hairstyles are still different. Deal with it.


Good grief people keeps on ignoring the context behind Alleria and keep using her…

End me.

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Cause Horde players get IGNORED by the company and lied to all the time about our leaders and how were suppose to be morally grey yet we have been beaten to death by the villian bat and the alliance sit and act all high and mighty.

Yet toss in one negative thing to the alliance story like you all scream like a negative nacey going thats not fair! for once i like to see the alliance get the story line beat down they so rightiously desever but as long as the flakey Steve Danuser, is around and Golden that is never going to happen.


It’s irrelevant. Because those Blood Elves and High Elves have been studying in the Rift for how long now? I’m sure they figured out how to copy what happened to Alleria and now you’ve got the same thing as her.


If I started using Lor’themar as an example of why Blood Elves should have scars the high elf crew would lose their minds.

ROFLMAO you can’t be serious. :rofl::rofl::rofl:


No one would care. Everyone should have scars. This was a bad attempt at an argument.




Do you know how the alliance is currently? Lucky that Realmpop doesn’t exist anymore because I would bet on a 70/30 for the horde.


Exactly nothing, but you wouldn’t know it from these threads.


Well, the original, “There aren’t enough High Elves left to be playable,” came around in Burning Crusade, I believe. Back then, we only had core races, and I think there was a valid point, as new races had capitals and leveling zones tailored to them.

Then we had Allied Races which threw the population issue out the window, particularly with Void Elves. So, that wasn’t a valid reason to not allow High Elves. I think they just missed the mark on what players wanted. They’re out of touch with their players and have been for a good while.

By the time they realized that when players said they wanted playable High Elves they meant playable High Elves as we see them in game, Void Elves had already been worked on too heavily. There was no turning back. The real mistake, in my opinion, was them doubling down on their mistake, rather than addressing it properly.

“Since the addition of Allied Races, it’s become fairly clear that we didn’t read the room. What we wanted to give Alliance players was a race they’d been asking for, but made more interesting and unique. Unfortunately, we were wrong, and we apologize. We’re still proud of Void Elves, which we worked hard on, and will continue to develop them going forward. Although we won’t be able to address this issue regarding High Elves during Battle for Azeroth, we’ll be looking into ways to give players the tools necessary to immerse themselves as Alliance High Elves in the future.”

A statement like that would’ve done much to earn some goodwill and patience from players.


No it’s not irrelevant. The circumstances being completely different are very much relevant.

You just want to pretend they’re not so you can keep using her for the flimsy argument.

Yeah. It is. Scholars figured out how to do what happened to Alleria and they made more. Population has to grow somehow.

Your argument is the flimsy one. Because you have none.


During Battle for Azeroth, the Alliance:

  • Waged psychological warfare on the Zandalari by animating a dinosaur skeleton with the void and sending it on a rampage.
  • Stormed Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace and sent innocent bystanders and working-class goblins to their deaths while trying to assassinate Gallywix himself.
  • Used a Mama Golem from the Firelands to incinerate Goblins by the hundreds, perfectly well aware of how painful death by burning is.
  • Sent Horde Ambassadors into one-way trips to the Void to drift in an endless ocean of darkness until they: aphyxiated, starved to death, died of thirst, were killed by something in the void, or went mad and took their own lives.

There is more that I can’t remember properly off the top of my head, but the Alliance did plenty of morally black stuff during BFA that didn’t get calls of outrage.

Oh well NOT my fault alliance players refuse to do higher end content. thats is a player problem not a game problem

Please show me how many leaders the alliance have lost? compaired to the horde? how many expansion has the alliance been the good guys while the the horde has to be the villain. Everey damn expansion it has been the same way Alliance good Horde evil and now we have nothing but lame simps leading all you need to do is look at thrall and baine sitting on the ground NOT doing a thing.

Yeah super great leaders I’m surprised we still have Lor’themar but I expect they will kill him off as well eventually.


Really, currently a blizzard doesn’t have any problem, it’s the players who are problematic. Is the game perfect, why are alliance players complaining? must live on another planet

They’ll make him warchief. Then he’ll become evil and Baine will lead a rebellion. The whole expac will be faction war centric and have a subplot about how the Horde is family. It will be totally new and unique.


And how is that not reflected in the gameplay? How come when Undead players who play a priest, doesn’t immediately take damage when channeling holy spells? That doesn’t seem immersive or in lore. :thinking:

You said it needs to make sense, but then follow up with something that doesn’t make sense here.

Gosh, you’re trying to get your money’s worth out of that deflection meme, aren’t you? :confused:

But it’s neither the velf’s game. It’s nobody’s game but Blizzard’s.

Well, Goblins (not the Bilgewater Cartel) were and still is neutral.

As for Kul’tirans, you do know the Forsaken exists? and if a human dies and turns into a forsaken, they are on the horde side. And last i check, Kul’tirans are humans. Worgens are immune.

It doesn’t really matter what you think. If Blizzard isn’t going to add it it, then they felt it contradicts the lore.

Mind slow down the trolling there mate?

You know, the thought occurred to me that you went about this thread was a really, really, REALLY bad way. I would honestly be interested in hearing detailed explanations of how void elves shouldn’t deserve high elf options and should in turn, get voidy options like n’zoth thrid eye and so on, with supporting evidence that shows it does contradict the lore. And maybe, just maybe, maybe use evidence to convince people to what you think is the better side of thinking. :slight_smile:

But you didn’t do any of that. You insulted, you made bad faith arguments, you generalize, you shamed people for not coming your side of thinking and think it’s literally bad to be normal, or who just want to be high elves, you are dismissive, gatekeeping, you employ double standards, and you don’t come across as somebody who is pro-customization despite you saying “i don’t want to remove stuff”, when this “I want customization, but only the “right” kind of customization”. It’s like i’ve given you solutions to fix your problem, and yet you reject them. And yet you wonder why people are against you here. :neutral_face:

Blizzard can literally do both things here, and you still wouldn’t happy until other people don’t have what you dislike. This isn’t politics, this isn’t a console vs pc war, this is simply just character customizations that you can choose for your toon. If you can’t accept that, maybe that’s a problem with you. :man_shrugging:

There’s a time for righteous indignation for whenever blizzard messes up or something, (like microtransactions for instance), but this isn’t one of them. You can be critical of the lore and still think character customization pieces are fine. Because player characters simply don’t exist in the lore in Blizzard’s minds. You can say wrong all you want, but really think about it. Why in so many of the expanisons, were built up as the major characters, but don’t get the same treatment as the major npcs and such? Or get sidelined when it comes to a cutscene? If we are that important, how come our importance havn’t been felt? Yes, we defeated, Deathwing and all others, but Blizzard can litteraly just rewrite all that to have it be somebody else’s credit.

Also Blizzard has been mostly riding on the “Rule of cool” for like 15 years now. You know, the thing that destroyed lore? That something people complain about who follow closely to the lore? Yet you want to offer something that you think it’s cool, and if you think it’s cool, then clearly it isn’t lorebreaking? … huh, where have i heard that one before…? :thinking:



Systems are there to be used can’t force a horse to drink can’t force alliance players to do content that not the fault of the game but of the players. Oceanic Alliance is doing well so what the rest of Alliance problem?

Nice headcanon.

Yes. You don’t care for the model anyway when it attacks you. But this would open another can of worm why the Horde gets a good racial which will only be played because it’s Horde (Kul Tiran).

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