Remove natural velf options

Aw, that’s so sweet and so awesome!


Sorry Shad, but I’m quoting you for this one:


Obviously not, for obvious reasons…

They can sicne they channel the light with great pain, not imbued with it like paladins.

Im all for customization, but it needs to make sense, growing a tentacle arm doesnt mean you’re submitting to the void. It could be a side effect but you still have full control, like garrosh with the heart.

Because its not their game and if they wanna play a natural elf so bad the horde exists. Again should the horde be entitled to kul tirans or Alliance to goblins? since they have those races in their ranks.

Saying V O I D shouldn’t have natural forms is contradicting, LMAO.


We learned it from alliance high elf fans.


I’ll be honest, most of the requests for blue eyes for Blood Elves came across as disingenuous trolling. I saw very few of the people that had been asking for that eye color being genuinely happy about it. Some were, some absolutely were happy to have blue eye options, but the majority of posts I saw were people infuriated that Void Elves had received natural skin tones and additional blue eye options.

And they made a video before End of BFA with interview saying they would never cause lore wise it wasnt making sense.

Still not seeing anything being taken away here. Blood Elves aren’t suddenly having skin tones or hair colors removed because only one Thalassian race can have them.

I don’t really recall any Void Elf players complaining about their race being mugged when Blood Elves got blue eyes (something Void Elves had since being added to the game), purple eyes (something initially given just to Void Elves, but then given also to Blood Elves), or blue hair (again, something Void Elves had which Blood Elves didn’t).

Yeah but VE were Blizz weird attempt to give HE to the alliance with story that doesnt fit and contradict their main reason for not adding them in the first place.

From my point of view VE are a joke race anyway

I felt the same once, but I don’t like thinking of them that way anymore. There are people whom genuinely love Void Elves, and I support that.

The lore is a mess. I don’t think it was thought through, at all. The fact they decided that Alleria now counts as a Void Elf, created a conundrum for the race as well. Our playable Void Elves look nothing like her, and the method by which they achieved their appearance, is dangerous and possibly something they cannot reproduce. Its logical that any future Void Elves would have to learn like Alleria did (obviously substituting a darkened Naaru with another sufficiently powerful void entity). Alleria’s method is safer and more responsible, which is the only real point Void Elves have going for them culturally.


Yeah, what am I expecting from the guy who thinks that a dwarf, a human and a blood elf would all look the same if they have the same hair color :roll_eyes:


Thanks for putting words into my mouth to prove your point.

You’re the one trying to make that point on another thread, and I’m the one telling you that it doesn’t make sense.

I wouldn’t bother with anyone below level 50.

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The point I made was that you cannot steal a haircolor, because no race owns it. I never said those three races look alike. I simply stated they all have, ‘natural,’ hair colors, and that humans and dwarves were playable first. Thus, if anyone, ‘stole,’ natural hair colors, Blood Elves did from humans and dwarves.

Which if you had read what I said, you’d seen I’ve addressed…

I’m usually the kind who doesn’t care what level the person I’m responding to isd, but seeing the on purpose density…

It’s no use talking about it anymore, for one side it will always be contradictory, crazy and meaningless.

I just think it’s the biggest waste of military time against what other players ask because in the end it’s up to blizzard to decide and none of us can do anything, instead of being against the players’ tastes, be in favor of what you’d like to have in the game.


See. Such nonsense.

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Indeed. I’ll never understand why anyone else devotes so much time and energy about what other people want added, rather than what they themselves want added.


Its just stupid they were saying HE are not enough as a whole to make up a race. But then add VE who make up for like 5% or less than the BE/HE population.

Dont get me wrong if people are happy its cool. For them Just saying dont use(Blizzard) a weak argument to not impliment new race while u prove u could do. I mean there is many cool races i’d like to play

I’m a fan of just about anything that provides more character customization options to the game. I think Blizzard vastly underestimates how much the player base enjoys being able to customize their character. Obviously, it should be true to the lore, but this is something the game needs more of…not the systems they keep adding.