Remove natural velf options

This is exclusive to Sylvanus

Lol first Void Elf are a joke race.

They only get natural option cause Blood Elf got blue eyes when they said they would never give them. So to avoid too much backlash they came up with that. And people forgot about Blue eyes BE.

After Im not agains cause not all Void Elf are tainted equally by the void. Some just got eyes like BE with Fel.

Also apparently some High Eld joined with Sylvanas sister.So the race is a mix of Few BE and HE. A complete joke if u want my opinion.Like they said HE werent enough to make up a race but u take 5% of HE population and 5% of BE of Silvemoon and now thats enough to make one.

Anyway This game need lots more customisation thats for sure. They should do it for the transmog system too

Your train of thought it’s currently shared by the writers.

As in “Yeah, just do whatever, we’ll retcon it if needed”.

Shadowlands it’s going great in the story aspect, eh?

Blizz said Blood Elves would recover their blue eyes eventually…

Uh oh, another one who things “fEl cORrUptIon” is a thing for blood elves…

They are the same thing.

Here’s the thing, they seem to care about both sides here. Just because they give one to another, doesn’t mean they don’t care about the other side. :man_shrugging:

What Battle? There is no “battle” here. It’s just Blizzard giving character customizations. You’re acting like those people who wanted the high elf options can’t also ask for the void options. :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

Well that’s not the most childish thing i’ve read today. :confused:

“Hey you, with this optional character customization that i wouldn’t notice anyways but i’ve decided of my own free will to notice! You’re not getting in MY group.”

Or you can do both. Make both sides happy. :slight_smile:

It’s not going to make your point better if you keep on using it over and over again.

What is it with you and hating on normal people? Are you saying that it’s fine to want high elf options, because by your own words it’s normal?

I mean you’re trying to insult the people for not having a problem with the high elf options, but it doesn’t even make any sense when you think about it. It almost sounds like you’re insulting yourself and many others like you by suggesting they are not normal.

You’re not really in tune with the lore either. Especially since you’re going to deny any explanation given by Blizzard on why there is void elves can be high elves. Heck, the fact that high elves joining void elves as well and learn how to control these powers, shouldn’t that be evident enough that some will come out as natural but with the void powers, or well learn to conceal their void forms better?..

Gameplay mechanics and player characters always existed out of the lore my dude.

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You talk like the lore is bad in this expansion. It’s been years, but it’s not because of the fantasy and mythology created, but because of the lack of coherence and relaxation in the development


Oh, so you accept this, yet you think that druid lore can fit in Forsaken druids…

A little bit a contradiction there.


There was absolutely no lore that linked Pandaren to the Alliance more then Horde at the time. Maybe you could of linked them to night elves, but that was obscure lore that didn’t mean much.

The only prominent Pandaren at the time was Chen, who was closely tied to Thrall and the founding of Orgrimmar. Giving them to Alliance then would of been really off putting. Even though I wanted them since I started in Wrath, I’m glad they didn’t implement them that way.


Oh look, another fragile Horde player whining about something being taken away from them.


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U mean before Shadowland at the end of BFA. Im talking before that.

They almost are.
High Elf are political with alliance and are still atune to Arcane while BE used fel. And left Alliance cause of Garritos. So they have a slight difference

No, the helf side isnt entitled to anything.

Because its the best point to use and has clear parallels, people are just to hard headed or simple to grasp it

My problems is people with 0 insight on the lore demanding changes that contradict it.


There is no explanation.

I think you are right. I always thought it was about the Mechagnomes. Maybe I believed this because the options were released in the same update? I do remember people posting how superior they are for being a blond blue-eyed Blood Elf which Void Elves cannot be.

It just would’ve been a bad race set to add period anyways considering community perception. I could imagine it even now “Wahhh the horde got humans with pointy ears and we got china pandering”

Highmountain and Light forged don’t count, right? LOL

Jesus, just get over it.


It’s not a contradiction, you who couldn’t interpret what I said. Maybe because English isn’t my native language and I can’t get my point across.

Mythology and fantasy can be created as long as they develop, there are dozens, maybe dozens of retcons and inconsistencies in the game since its release, some they fix with more effort than others. The point of lore being unsatisfactory is that they don’t develop properly. They can bend space and time and take a race from another dimension and give it to the horde and yet it is possible to make it coherent, even if the context is absurd. However the narrative techniques or material is not enough, then yes the lore will fail, not because you didn’t like the fantasy that a race adopted.

Yeah they made a video saying they would never. 2-3 week after BE blue eyed were dataminded. And then few week back Cause of Forum we saw VE with fair skin show up on Datamining

If I remember correctly, I’m sure it was said that around that time Pandaren were a popular request. If that would of been the reason to justify adding them with no tie to the content to the rest of TBC, that would of been worse imo.

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No it doesn’t. You know what does kill the lore integrity?.. retconing, bad storytelling… Giving a few character customizations doesn’t hurt…

Also, giving void elves tentacle arms and all the other void/old god stuff, that would also break the lore because they are suspose to learn how to control their powers… and yet they are getting werid things like tentacle arms and a thrid eye.

So undead priests can’t be a thing by your own admission.

You know, the more i see you be anti-customization, the more i think you’re just better off playing Warcraft 3. :thinking: I mean really, you rather Blizzard just make a game where we all play established lore characters and they control everything that happens in the lore and story and disallows any player to interact with their own take or creating their own character by the sounds of it.

Why not? It’s not like they have been waiting for years on end and Blizzard can’t just “Flip them off” as you said. The Velf side just recently (well recently, 3 years) sprang up. For all intents and purposes, it’s just a buttpull race.

Well if you’re going to be repetitive because you think it works the best, then so am i.

People wouldn’t literally have a problem with that if Blizzard actually do that. And you can’t necessarily force people to care or accept your way of thinking just because you care.

And you’re demanding changes that contradict that lore. I mean really if Blizzard said “No” to your idea, then there ya go, it contradict the lore in their heads.

That’s your subjective opinion my guy. You can scream “wrong” till your blue in the face, but you’re gonna have a tough time disproving that.

Neither to your voidy options mate. I mean if you’re in tune with the lore as you imply, then you would know these customization options like thrid eye and so on needed serious explaining. Otherwise by your own words, they shouldn’t exist because it’s lorebreaking.

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No, they said that in 2012 in Ask CDev Round 3.

Aliegance doesn’t chance the race of a group of people.

Blood elves are simply High Elves that honor their fallen. Check their official description.

English is not my native language either.

They are called retcons. And Blizz is known for rectonning their own retcons.

No, the problem is that they can’t be bothered to looking back at their own lore for long enough to at least develop it in a way that makes sense.

And yet, considering classes are supposed to follow some rules, if they followed this, it would be like adding oil to the smelly fire.

Saying that Void Elves are void corrupted and then giving options that go against that base concept, instead of options which support it, does hurt the integrity of the lore.


What’s being taken away from the Horde?

Also, you do know about your Mag’har orc example, they are litteraly alternate universe time line orcs? Like different orcs from different timelines? Blizzard has bought the element of universe hopping in the lore integrity now. So if Blizzard really wants to, they can pull green orcs for mag’har and it would still be in lore.