Blood Elves and Void Elves? Mostly just the void wielding. That’s it, really.
Blood Elves and High Elves? Faction mostly. Ideological differences such as the ethics of draining mana from living creatures have since been rendered moot. It’s now mostly about faction and grievances each has developed during the time the two populations have been separated.
You tar others with broad brushstrokes, my friend. Not everyone is the same, on either side of the aisle. Sure, there are some Pro-High Elf players who really take the cake in absurdity. Same can be said for Pro-Blood Elf players.
Interestingly, most Pro-Void Elf players are pretty chill.
Except for pamdaren knew what they were getting into and opted in. Blood Elf players did not, and that’s kind of an annoying bait and switch-ish thing.
i hope it does happen but void themed , i want void theme paladins they could be called something different but it would be cool n then we could use void theme heritage weapons too
Tbh, the vold elves and blood elves wern’t even sepperated to begin with…
Gosh, just accuse everybody of “anti-belfer” while you’re at it, why don’t ya?
Mate. We don’t hate blood elves. If we do, we wouldn’t want anything to do with them. Use your head. Please.
Pbht. What? Now were bringing final fanasty into this?..
I’m not going to reject this because “It doesn’t fit with the lore”, i mean there’s tons of things that are there just because it looks cool, and they haven’t been explained like mister T’s mohawk haircut. Yet those are perfectly fine. It’s character customization, the more of it the better. I mean if Undead priests, Gnome hunters, blood elf warriors, night elf mages and so on don’t kill off or hurt WoW, or even mister T’s hair cut, the human options, dwarf’s, and even dark skinned elves option didn’t harm wow, then neither should this.
Do i think they should be explained on why we have these? yes. Because honestly, some of these are werid, but it’s no more werider then having a big floppy fish for a mog, or having your gun turn into a bow, or being able to mass res people very easily but npcs can’t.
if Undead priests can be explained away and be fine, why can’t Blizzard do the same with High elf void elf?..
Yeah, they don’t care so much, that they don’t even play them. They just hate them so much that they made a statue outside of their HQ with an orc on a wolf… /s
/inhales deeply though his nostils for a good moment, then lets out a quiet long drawn out sigh.
I refuse to accept Blood Elves were ever so shallow that the only thing that defined them was their cosmetics. I’m sorry, but its starting to sound a bit like you hate them more than anyone else, if you can honestly think that.
I’m sorry you feel that way, but I’ll respect the sentiment.
Void Elf players, specifically. I find them to be a pretty laid back and chill group of people.
also doesnt show in the fact that all 100 horde HOF is already filled and alliance had 14 when they were at 100 now its at 25 but yeah favoritism towards a faction has no impact on that kind of thing
And yet those same cosmetics were so very important for anti-belfers.
They’re either important for both or they are not for either and if they were not for either then what’s with the years of spam threads that Blizzard eventually caved to?
A human roleplayer can say they’re from anywhere that there is a significant concentration of humans. So that’s Stormwind, Westfall, Redridge, Elwynn, Gilneas, Stromgarde, Southshore etc. Gilnean isn’t a race, its (charitably) a nationality and more accurately a locality.
…Yeah, especially since whenever blizzard gives one thing the aillance from the horde, then all the sudden, that’s bad. But giving something from alliance to horde is just a-okay…
I’m just so numb to these double standards, like i don’t even care anymore who gets what. Just have both, it will make people happy. Why it has to be a war? …
I think i have enough of this silliness. Maybe i’l come back when i have some sleep and 10 cups of coffee. I can see why people like to do things out of spite. You just cannot reason with the people who want to control what you want to do…
I think you’re confused. The aesthetic/cosmetics are important to Pro-High Elf players, since High Elves use them. Again, you can be Pro-High Elf without being against Blood Elves.
Ehh got to disagree with that statement gilneas was one of the major human kingdoms calling it a locality equates it to like a small city when its like as big as lorderon or stormwind or kultiras. Example the major kingdoms are like Rome a major city that is practically its own nation or in that case did become a nation. Not a minor city
or maybe just remove factions and like 90 percent of problems are removed including pvp inbalance, cosmetic arguments, and everyone can just play what they want and all the community is united as one group instead of being cut in half. blinks
Alright that’s fair. Major kingdom; game is kind of rubbish at making you appreciate scale so sometimes I forget places like SW and Gilneas aren’t city states. But they’re still humans. So if someone wishes to Roleplay as a Gilenan without the curse - something I’m genuinely curious to know exist outside of the Queen - then using the human over the worgen makes sense. Me being from Australia and my guildmates being from Great Britain and the United States doesn’t make any of us less human.
At this point maybe it’s best if we agree to disagree. For what it’s worth, I don’t hate Blood Elves. I like them, I want to see them get new things, and I don’t feel that they are defined by their aesthetic. I do like High Elves, and while they aren’t defined by their aesthetic, when it comes to immersion, aesthetic is of vital importance. I don’t think it gets any simpler than that.
And it’s not like they give their loyal employees a human footman’s shield in reward for 10 years with them. By your logic they see themselves as Alliance.
Well its understandable one because nothing has been done in gilneas since cata really so you can’t appreciate its design also for obvious reasons cities can show size in game like if you look at the lore sites its claimed that stormwind has 200,000 people while places like goldshire have 8000 clearly thats not seen from in game so sometimes its hard to distinguish population size