Remove natural velf options

This is not a response that indicates that you read and understand my posts.

Good hustle I guess.

Maybe I’m not an, ‘Anti-Belfer?’ I can be in favor of something and not against something else, you know.

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Riddle me this batman, if the anti-belfers hate belves, why then they want their customization options? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I don’t agree. If you really cared about Blood Elves you wouldn’t have been supportive of things that harm them. Yet here you are.

Except he’s not?.. Why are you acting like he’s out to get you? You’re being silly here. :man_shrugging:

Yeah, i don’t know why he thinks were all out to get him or something. :confused:

I also don’t get his line of thinking. I mean if Belf haters, hate belfs… why then they want their customization options?..

That would be like me saying… “Oh god, i hate those gnomes! infact, i hate them SO MUCH, i want their hairstyle,s hair colors, skintones and so on!!”… Like… what? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

We disagree on what constitutes, ‘harm.’ Nothing has been taken away from Blood Elves. You can’t even call their options, ‘Unique,’ since humans and dwarves have had natural hair colors and skin tones since vanilla, before Blood Elves were made playable. Heck, one of my favorite female Blood Elf hairstyles literally came from Human females, and that was at BC launch.

If anything, I find Void Elves infinitely more harmful to Blood Elves, just by virtue of their lore. Suddenly, Shadow Priests aren’t a thing for Blood Elves anymore? Any Blood Elf with the slightest interest in the void is now a pariah, an outcast in their own lands? We’re talking about the race that built an identity by researching and mastering magic that was dangerous, and succeeding at it! Now, suddenly they’re the race of, “Woah, that’s forbidden magic, it’s dangerous, you can’t study that!”

Void Elves took a lot from the Blood Elf identity by virtue of being former Blood Elves exiled from Quel’Thalas for behaving like Blood Elves.

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Hmm, Imagine. Blood elves kicking blood elves out for being blood elves…

Suddenly, this “anti-belf hatred” thing he went on about makes sense… :thinking:

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I disagree.

Tell me what separates Blood Elves and Void Elves now?

And how long until you anti-belfers start whining for those things? Oh they already have.

That’s your opinion mate. :man_shrugging:

I promise you, if you log into the game, and count the customizations now available, nothing will be missing. No quests got removed for the addition of High Elf aesthetics to Void Elves, either.


It hurts immersion.


Immersion’s subjective. :man_shrugging:

I mean you know that you find the game immersive when you’re own your “Grr alliance” sort of thing.

Me personally, i find it immersive when i just stop, take the sights in, breath in, sit down, and look around.

What separates Blood Elves and Void Elves now?

How long until you and your anti-belfer best friends from your discord demand those things?

I’ve already seen your anti-belf ilk demand all the Blood Elf hairstyles, jewelry, and even Silvermoon. I’ve even seen them try to gatekeep access to things like requests for tattoos and scars.

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Look at the bright side, now that void elves will be able to be blood elves, Night borne will have to be given the whole Night Elf kit. To do anything else wouldn’t be fair.

On the less than bright side, helfers will never stop… there will be new demands. Blood elf warlocks must be feeling pretty ripped off right about now… copping identity theft on all fronts.


Read the lore. You seek to turn this game into ff14 and kill WoW for good.

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BWAHAHAHAHAHAHA, oh to have that kind of optimism


Blizzard doesn’t care about the Horde. They only care about catering to the Alliance.


My main is a night elf and while I support this I suspect blizzard isn’t going to.

Still be neat if they did.

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I’m not really gonna pick a side here because its customization however I will say that there is something to be upset about in the fact that if you see an elf in the world now there is most likely nothing cosmetically to differentiate them they will often have the same appearances. Then again pandaren already had that problem so maybe we need some unqiue looks between alliance and horde pandaren as well.

This wasnt supposed to be a reply to that my apologies however on that note I have to hard disagree I feel the bias heavily leans towards horde in everyway look at what allied races horde got compared to alliance and look at racials. And look at all competive play pvp pve m+ most of it is like 80/20 that doesnt happen just by player bias there has to be some bias from the creaters as well for numbers to skew that bad