Remove natural velf options

Considering you can change skin color at the barber shop I’m not sure that’s something that’s actually quantifiable. Not that it matters really.


Nope. There’s no way to get those numbers. Maybe Blizzard could, but players couldn’t get any sort of meaningful metrics. All we can go by is purely anecdotal data.


There are necro posts and then there’s this. I feel honored just being a part of it.


I like to think my setup at least has a method.

But yeah… It’s anecdotal and mostly useless info. Lol

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Void Elves should’ve just been Ethereals, but blizzard was too lazy in BFA to put actual work in new races.


…The same lore that Blizzard ignored in order to give Night Elf Warlocks btw.

People simply want High Elves that are neither affiliated or corrupted or changed in any sence like with Blood or Void elves. They want a flavor of (Warcraft) High Elves that are just (Warcraft) High Elves basically.

Their referring to something like this. :point_down:

While i personally do not care if we get playable high elves at this point because we already have pale skin and blue eyes options for both elves, i wouldn’t be against it simply for the lore reasons. Personally, i don’t see a reason why not at this point considering the lore is… well…

At a point where it allows night elf warlocks.

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Looking at all these threads and how the “Great High Elf Debate” has played out, it’s interesting to see how drastically the Horde’s attitude towards Thalassian Elves has changed.

Back when TBC was first announced, many Horde players were not happy about getting Blood Elves. They wanted elves to remain on the Alliance side only and for the Horde to continue having monstorous races.

Fast forward to now, Horde players get up in arms whenever Alliance players ask for Fair-Skinned Thalassian Elves. Y’know, the very same race the we apparently didn’t want when TBC was announced.

What happened here guys? I thought Blood Elves didn’t fit with the Horde asthetically. But now we are getting upset when that option is being given to the Alliance?


He likes to do this

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The only thing that matters is that I get my void elf paladins

No. I rather see High Elf Options. Thank you very much.

High Elf options are already in game.


I just want to add, void elves were not a mistake.
They should not have been just a customisation option.
Void elves are awesome as they are

Stop bullying my race haha


All of this.


They need better hairstyles, otherwise I have no issue with them like issue with them, I just really hate their hairstyles like my gosh Void Elves could be pretty (female wise) or sexy (male wise) like Blood Elves and I could get into this whole thing about how bad they are because really they are bad and they really need to fix that.


Agreed, void elves should be voidy all the time, no exceptions. More void for the void elves.

Man if I was rich, I would pay blizzard to permanently remove elves from the game, purge all remnants of elves from the lore and then pay them more to broadcast all the crying. Then I’d pay them all a hefty retirement, bc at that point the game would cease to exist. Y’all better hope I never win the lottery.

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The major problem is that Blizzard keeps treating political or social differences as separate ‘races’. A new ‘race’ should be biologically distinct from other races, not just a sociological disagreement between members of what would otherwise be the same ‘race’.

For instance, High Elves and Blood Elves (and Void Elves) are all just Thalassian Elves. The monikers are merely political differences and hence why there’s such a huge rub about it. Same thing with Orcs and Mag’har; both Orcs at the end of the day, and at this point the fel exposure should have weakened enough for Azeroth Orcs to start producing non-green orcs; after all if it’s not a permanent shift for BE, it shouldn’t be a permanent shift for Orcs, which means the green skin is temporary and should ‘bleed out’ over generations. Draenei are also plagued by this issue; becoming Lightforged is a political choice and more akin to choosing the Paladin class versus becoming an entirely new lifeform. In fact, every AR sans the Vulpera and maybe the Highmountain and Dark Iron are pretty much just political or social differences being called a brand new race.

Ultimately, the best thing that could happen is the faction divide coming down when it comes to racial interaction, and the vast majority of AR options becoming customizations (along with choices of racial) for main race, ie you would pick Thalassian elf and, like a talent tree, you’d go down choice nodes for each racial ability.

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I mean Void elves have the void in them which I think was a good difference.

And given the nature of the game itself and factions I wouldn’t have really been surprised if High Elves had been given in the same format.

Bothering to care at this point is pointless.

They’re here now, they’re not going away.

It doesnt though

I mean, yeah, it is, but to what extent though? This part hasn’t been fully explained. We know with Umbric and his followers, and we know with Alleria, but we don’t have anything in regards to the other elves who found the Ren’dorei and join the ranks.

This part does need to be expanded further to explain more. Because it can’t just be, “other Blood Elves and High Elves found the Void Elves, and joined them to become a Void Elf”, because that doesn’t make any sense.

This is the biggest problem with the Ren’dorei lore, because it just doesn’t even add up at all.

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Pretty much this, they could have added High Elves, then used Alleria to bring the void thing in later, and that is what they should have done IMO. Instead they did it the bass ackwards way and created the mess we have now.