Remove merc mode

It’s not though lol… Too many horde, not enough alliance, horde go into merc mode. Too many alliance, not enough horde, alliance go into merc mode. Fair balance between the two, merc mode is disabled.

It absolutely is being abused by horde who go merc just to troll by throwing the bg.

It is happening a ridiculous amount.

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For every 1 horde you have throw, you have 5 alliance afking in the GY.
Alliance is the biggest problem for alliance.


Yes, but back then there wasn’t the armor disparity there is today. Horde Mercs join for fast queues, easy Honor and quick losses. Big difference. Almost every Merc is an entry level geared player.

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You don’t get kicked if you’re being active.

Never use it as Horde so don’t care if they remove it, if it leads to longer queue times, well, just means I can queue up and go do something else while I wait.

This is not true if you get more than 1 report.

It’s another thing that gets abused in bg.

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I’m fairly certain it is true. I’ve been in BGs with several guild members and we all reported some jerk face who was afk. They managed to stay the entire BG just sitting there.

Mass reporting in a bg can cause an insta boot.

It happens.

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WoW. No need to be a jerk much.


i don’t consider calling a karen out on being a karen being a jerk

If reasonably addressing a feature that is being abused, with valid reasoning is what you call “being a Karen”, then this must be a really hard world for you to live in.



yeah, exactly

So you want to have long que times back just because silly people in your match decided to be gooballs? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

That would be like if i asked Blizzard to remove LFR because of trolling i encountered in my group that wiped the boss intentionally. 1 bad apple out of a barrel doesn’t mean the entire apple farm has to go. :apple: :green_apple:

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The abuse of merc mode is way more widespread than a few bad apples in one bg.

It happens all the time. For weeks. I have been reporting them every single time, but it continues.

It needs to be addressed, and if horde continue to abuse it, it needs to be removed.

active moderation is the preferred fix here.


What’s your point? I’m sure the group of people asking for that then are very different than discussing it today. It’s not like the “alliance” have a singular forum voice here.

At any rate, it was a bad idea then and it’s bad now


That never happened on my server set.

Merc mode was always a bad idea. There were horde that would change alliance just for BGs, which helped to slightly balance things.

Also, when playing on the opposing faction, I don’t imagine they try very hard. I wouldn’t.

I’d bet ppl would take gold to throw a match.


Sure, but you don’t address by removing it. You address it by enforcing harsher penalties, like having the reports go the gms (not automated) and if it’s discovered if you are trolling, you will get a week cooldown that disallows you to enter in merc mode.

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Blizz doesn’t have the resources available to do that.

Just to get a ticket read takes days.