Remove LIFO Logic for sales on the AH

Blizzard really needs to break the AH addon software

jesus christ man…its NOT bots doing most of that. Its jerks like me sitting here running cancel scans all day long manually.
Kill the cancel scan…most of this ‘problem’ goes away.

Yep. Remove the ability to cancel after a short time period like a minute. That would still allow for people to cancel mistakes but stop all the cancel scanning being done.

no it wouldn’t, that would just mean people will cancel within a minute and repost, which is basically what already happens

Hence my proposal to not have the listing live until it’s uncancelable, that fixes that issue.

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Then completely remove the ability to cancel.

…or this^

so then people just reduce the quantities they list significantly and post much more often

Then they run into throttle, problem still solved.

TSM may not be botting, but I would argue that the sniper functionality is dangerously close to it. And should probably not be allowed. While it’s true every post/cancel requires clicking a button…it doesn’t require clicking to scan so you can indeed monitor the AH without actually doing anything.

I wouldn’t disagree with that being too close to automation, even if actually purchasing anything it finds still requires clicking.

Because we all know our bots are Chinese

you want to throttle posting?

They already do, that existed for over a year now.

cnceling is throttle, posting isnt

Nope, any action with the AH is counted against throttle.

Pretty sure certain actions are rated higher than others. Like for example 1 cancel = 3-5 postings.

But then again their flurry of posts throughout 8.3 just was annoying to keep track of.

heavy emphasis on cancel. i guess that wording says there may be a posting throttle but who has ever complained about getting throttled while posting. nobody

so if you want posting actually throttled then you implement a solution that can affect everyone when you just want to target a few people out of a million. how is that good for the game. it isnt

I mean… I’d ban TSM and the people that used TSM back during the mobile AH days to bot. So that’s me. I’d honestly make the AH api’s fully restricted so addons can’t touch them.

before that happens blizz needs to make a ui that doesnt suck. then im onboard with you

Runescape’s Grand Exchange has a perfect way to handle all these stupid little issues we have in wow. I wish they’d adopt that system.