Remove Judgments of the Pure (yes I'm a ret)

There’s so many threads explaining this.


  • it was added in slands for prot, no idea why ret got it
  • judgment used to be a 10 sec cd and no one took divine toll they were necro
  • ret used to lose a lot of utility / dmg if they took jotp
  • with rework, judgment is sub 8 sec cd, 2 charges, divine toll, and ret’s damage pvp talents are useless / nerfed so everyone defaults to jotp

Usual CD is actually right at 8 seconds. The same as Cleanse and Dispel magic except JotP is RNG instead of removing everything. Which is fine.

Ret will never have 2 charges of judge available except at the start of a match. If he sat enough CC to get the second charge back and you didnt score a kill thats a skill issue on YOUR end.

Running JotP against Shadow, Aff or Ele results in suicide you cant stop unless you out and out NEVER judge the Shadow, Aff or Ele.

JotP is useless against UH diseases and Rogue Poisons as well due to the fact that they reapply just about instantaneously.

Its primary function is as a potential counter to Poly, Roots, Freezing Trap and Fear/PS. Fear/PS being a gamble as you could hit UA or VT and lose 20-35% of your health.

Hard CC deserves hard counters.

I’m sorry, but dispels on healers are an 8 second cooldown with one charge (2 for priest if specced), and ours only dispels one target at a time.

Why should ret have automated, guaranteed, full party, skillless dispels, on a shorter cd than healers, on an ability that does damage to enemy players, with two charges attached to it? I know you might not realize how ludicrous all that is, but it’s so ludicrous it should make your xmog turn plaid when casted (spaceballs joke).

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Tell me you don’t how to actually ret without telling me


Aww, cant argue the points so you attack the person making them.

Youre cute. Can i adopt you?

JotP has 3 HARD counters that function passively and a 4th thats a soft counter.

If youre Aff, Shadow or Elemental you unironically want to run into Rets braindead enough to run JotP into you because its a free rating donation.

I’m literally using your words noob


Try reading the entirety of what ive posted instead of picking and choosing.


Why do I need to read your unoriginal ret talking points that boil down to “don’t nerf me bro”

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Let’s be real here, your highest achieve in arena is 1550. You aren’t really one to be judging what is and what isn’t a skill issue.


I just like his 46% w/l in RSS as a ret

To be fair, the solo shuffle stats are scuffed on armory.

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cant disprove any of the points

quick attack the poster

Tell me how my rating changes anything about your inability to score a kill in 10 seconds of a 2v3.

But thats okay. You can bury your heads in the sand and declare “LOL I TOTALLY WON THAT INTERNET ARGUMENT CUZ I CALLED HIM A NOOB”.

Do what you gotta do. Getting ret nerfed wont get you glad.

Probably wont get you Challenger II either.

I’m not looking at armory

46% w/l at 1047 rating


You literally ignored my previous post which had direct points and just quoted yourself instead of replying to it. I’m not even effected by the ret dispel, so you trying to say I’m somehow bad because I still think it’s OP is pretty funny to me.

I didnt ignore it. I already addressed what you said before you even said it. I just requoted what id already said previously.


muh armory quoting

Ive been out of town since before the rework went live. Those stats are dicking around on 10.0.5 Ret. If you REALLY needed to know. Im sure it shows my last rounds played with a timestamp somewhere.

How dare I not do damage as a … healer?

A good ret will wait til a cc goes out to burn his first charge, removing a full duration CC in the process and potentially saving a trinket.

a good ret will kneecap his holy power generation and intentionally throw finishers without greater judgement’s +20% bonus damage or just throw no finishers at all resulting in absolutely zero outgoing pressure that cant be fixed by a tick of Renew


A good ret will know that utility is stronger than damage.

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why are you arguing with this guy lol

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