Remove Judgments of the Pure (yes I'm a ret)

UA damage is high, but I still spend all my games against JotP rets reapplying my dots and unable to ramp any damage… my UA dispel is always almost my top damage.

so yeah, it still screws over aff locks. esp when the ret is playing cupid and hunter feigns them off every 20 sec and the healer just spam dispels.

It’s still rets and arms wars with the highest representation… I don’t get your point.

Improved Mass Dispel says otherwise. It’s a strength the classes (priest and paladin) should have that’s frustrating to fight into.

Making JotP into something similar to Sharpen Blade, an active button tied to your next use of the spell, is a better way of handling this situation.

It’s balanced around the fact that it only dispels debuffs applied by the target judged.

Is it frustrating to fight into? Yes. But that’s by design of being a class strength.

im at a point where im voting for removing Ret alltogether.


You mean the ability that takes 1/4 of mana and do it too much they’ll oom and then can’t even dps?

Ok sure, let’s let ret oom so much they can’t even cast any ability that cost mana after a few dispells


point is you complained about the meat being chewy now you got rubber

Judgements of the pure has always been a talent for ret, what’s making it so OP now?

2 charges of judgement, shorter cd, and different choices in pvp talents that previously wouldn’t allow for the budget to be spent on that talent point over better choices,


On top of what bulk said, ret is also extremely powerfully tuned in pretty much every direction. The relative strength of everything they kept through the rework is boosted by that-a soccer ball is a lot easier to keep out of a goal when it’s being kicked by a child vs shot out of a cannon


This is a pretty good idea.

JotP has multiple counters. It just doesnt have counters available to everyone of every spec.

Vamp Touch punishes JotP. Passively.
UA punishes JotP. Passively.
Control of Lava punishes JotP. Passively.
Stellar Flare punishes JotP: Passively.

muh 2 charge judge

The second charge is irrelevant as the Ret is going to have double judgement available exactly once: at the very start of the match. At every other concievable moment hes using it on CD to maintain pressure.

muh divine toll

If hes Judging You with DT - which is the only way JotP is going to remove anything you cast - you unironically punish it by spam-applying your dispel protection ability to him and he cant do a damn thing about it except EXPLODE as every DT judge dispel is going to trigger UA or VT or StF or CoL. And all 4 of those HURT. Especially UA and CoL.

Polymorph deserves to have more counters. As does Freezing Trap. Hard CC should have hard counters. I dont hear a lot of clucking about Dispel Magic or Cleanse doing the same thing as JotP except better in every concievable way.

I was kinda with you till stellar flare. Please try that dispel protection, its abysmal

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Its a Bouncy Castle of Pain. It also disrupts forward movement.

Is it gonna hurt like UA? Nah. But its there.

Hard disagree, I love it when boomies stop to cast stellar flare on me (excluding the one that comes from their burst)
As a boomy, Stellar flare is a joke, as a ret Stellar flare is a free kill

Stellar flare has not once stopped someone from dispelling boomy dots

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That would be more of an issue with Stellar Flare than with dispelling it, it sounds like.

That’s what I was saying.

I still listed it as an ability that is intended to punish dispels.


In your example you said

I wasnt seeking to argue, just wanted to point out that if hes using DT Dispel on a boomie and they stop to cast 4 Stellar Flares, they’re going to die. For a brand new sparkly Dispel protection, it doesnt seem to protect much. As opposed to Locks who can just spam UA and get a kill


I think the way to address this skill is to add more RNG to it. Have it randomly remove 1 dot from one person in x amount of range of the pally.

I get it. Im unfamiliar with how boomie numbers play out i just know i go into a bouncy castle of suffering when i judge some of them :man_shrugging:t2:

Tell me you want the talent nerfed into uselessness without telling me you want the talent nerfed into uselessness.