Remove force personal loot in guild raids

They had already fixed Master Loot in Legion when you needed what, 80% of a group to be in the same guild to use it? After that point, anyone complaining about Master Loot was just dumb. Like seriously dumb. The only way you could have loot stolen from you was because of your own personal stupidity.


That was an idiotic fix, it still doesn’t fix anything especially if you have pugs in the raid. Obviously if it’s 80% of a guild group then you can prioritize your guildies, I know I would but I would also let them know if a guildy needs it they get priority in the description as many groups did. In that regard it was their job to see what was needed and whether or not they had a chance at receiving it. But most groups weren’t like that.

Again, it’s up to you to communicate about loot before hand. It’s on you, and only you, if anything is taken from you. If 80% of a group is in the same guild, common sense would dictate that you ask about loot before going in.

Yeah but the question is whether or not they had the common sense to do so in the first place, most people don’t.

This reminds me of that video of the like 60 yr old guy in an ICC raid raging about the 2h axe of the skeleton boss w/e his name was. They clearly laid out that the loot rules were prioritizing people that contributed the most dps to the boss and that only those that met or exceeded that amount of dps could roll on it. He was vastly outdone by everyone else and didn’t even come close to reaching the amount of damage required to be able to roll on it, it went on for like an hr this 60 yr old guy raging at a bunch of people in what was it at the time vent?

Perhaps in your pugging experience.

In my pugging experience during Legion, many raid groups were exactly like that - prioritizing their guildies over pugs, with nothing mentioned in the description beforehand nor when asked about the loot rules upon joining.

Several times when loot would drop and rolls for something would happen, the loot would be awarded to a guildie, some would ask what happened? “A guildie needed it” as if that was reason enough.

An exodus would happen as the pugs would then leave, only for the raid to then come to a standstill until more pugs were recruited and the raid warlock would summon them in and the process would start over.

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Same point stands here.

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Yeah my point being is it’s your own responsibility to find out how loot is distributed, whether you even had a chance at a trinket off the last boss etc. Most people are too incompetent to check before hand then when it goes to a guildie or what have you they rage on forums like this and then it ruins it for everyone else.

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 i mentioned that in my post.

Yeah the same point still stands.

You seem rather dim in all your replies, preferring to use one liners rather than ever elaborating on any of your points, as proven the other day in the other thread.

My point about you still stands as well.

Yeah I’m not exactly reading everything posted, watching tv/sniping the ah, looking up a few things in my mail etc.

So lets focus on ML and guild raids.

If you are using pugs its not a guild raid.

ML should return for guild raids.


It’s because you spew nonsense. Why would I sit here and type up paragraphs on why you’re incorrect in your statements when you’re just going to sit in denial?


Tbh there have been people that either follow me to agree with what I’ve said or to watch some drama unfold. Not everyone needs to type out a paragraph to state their intentions if someone already else is.

Oh so you’re just famous now Sachi?

(joking btw)

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Dude I got temp banned for calling someone a name which I won’t say here, basically it meant “gets offended easily”. Had like 30+ likes since and like a half a dozen every day after lol.

Isn’t that what the heart/like symbol is for?

And the counter argument shows how ML has failed in the past, and why ML isn’t the favourable way to go forward for many who’ve been burned by it many times, and who don’t want to be anymore in the future.

Well they shouldn’t have removed it just because they were too stupid to check with the lead in the first place, otherwise join another group that is opting to use personal loot.

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See what I mean?