Absolutely 100% false on your end. I am telling you exactly what Ion said.
The only thing that could even be misconstrued as “abuse” or any kind of negative that he spoke about were trials not getting as much loot on their trial runs.
Ion said what it was about: streamlining loot methods, allowing people to pick loot off the boss instead of having it handed out by an ML because they thought it might feel better, having the loot in players hands for them to choose to trade but he didnt get into the trading restrictions, and trials getting more loot.
But throughout that video he said multiple times that teams were using it well for their members and that Blizzard did not consider it a matter of abuse, or anything of the sort.
The abuse angle is a concocted conspiracy theory forum trolls cooked up to engage in schadenfreude.
I see that as a problem tbh, rng has always been a part of this game, even more so now but if you could pick and choose your gear that you receive then you’d fly by the gearing process even faster than it is now in the lower bracket of players at least.
I’d like to know by what experience you can speak of this.
All of your “mythic” raiding experience with content happened after the end of the xpack it was relevant in. You have zero experience running mythic content when it is current.
Your contentions in this debate are ludicrous, you have no experience with any of the content where ML mattered, and are speaking from essential ignorance, and just making stuff up as you go.
This may have been said already, I only read about 60 of the posts.
If they were to remove iLevel restrictions in trading gear players could have the best of both. Want to raid personal loot, go for it. Already can. Plus if a ring drops that has a higher iLevel but the two worst stats you can choose to give to somebody that would benefit.
If a guild wants to distribute loot then the person that got the loot is in control. Hand it over, or keep it. Just know if you choose to keep you will probably be removed from the raid and guild.
na… i’ve been pretty careful… but when you talk with guildies who have alts in other guilds, or other servers… you can see the prevalence out there… worst thing blizzard ever did was get rid of the guild leveling system, and making it so easy for every tin plated dictator to be able to make their own guild. that and allowing that stupid auto invite addon.
SWTOR has a really decent system. If you want to be able to play as a guild you have to have an unlocked guild ship that costs quite a bit of currency and time to unlock.
Around here all you need is 4k gold and some time to get 4 sigs. Pretty easy.
That part of the game never really mattered much, don’t understand why that matters in the lfr looting system, I have probably like 20+ gbanks I use for stuff I’m too lazy to sell off since like vanilla but the only thing they really brought was the hierloom legs, pets/mounts. If the hierloom legs and the hearthstone cd weren’t there I doubt anyone would care to be in a guild other than those that raid.
I’m happy with the way the loot is now, There have been many people who would be master looter and ninja all the loot or would give out loot to other people that didn’t win the roll.
Back before Personal loot there was an option to where the raid leader or someone in the raid can change the loot to where they get it, Usually it will be a contest to see who rolls the highest number 1-100 and whoever rolls the highest the master looter will give them the win, But sometimes people will turn on ml in a raid and keep all the items, That is called ninja looting.
What in the what? Who does this roll system? Back in Legion when people had ML they had things like Loot councils that would distribute gear based on everyones BiS list. Mythic guilds utilized this and helped each other grow because in practice when someone gets stronger, the team becomes stronger.
So when it’s set to ML, only the Master Looter has control of where the gear goes. He’s the only one who can pick it up and distribute it to another player. So people turning on the ML is non existent because they can’t pick up the gear to begin with.
Also ninja looting refers to when someone takes loot that they’re not entitled to. It’s not just 1 situation that fits the definition.
I didn’t say ninja looting is just for people with master looter im saying sometimes when someone has ml on they would ninja the items. I’m trying to dumb it down as much as possible but I give up.
EDIT: PFFT. My mistake. I misread that point. Raid lead turning on ML in the middle of a run and taking all of the loot sounds like a pug problem. Which even then if you didn’t look around and see that a majority of the players are in one guild and ML is turned on then it’s your fault for not doing a checklist.
Someone turning on ML in the middle of a guild run and taking all of the loot is unlikely. Especially in guilds running Mythic.
A bit insulting considering I had hands on use with it while doing Mythic progression but okay.
The removal of master loot from guild raids is incredibly stupid.
If your guild was abusing master loot, and you stuck around. That is your fault. Guilds can’t abuse something like that if people act and leave the people abusing a system.
Yeah I don’t see the problem, if you were dumb enough to join a group that was clearly 50%-100% of a guild hosted raid I personally wouldn’t expect to be getting any loot even if I won the roll. Better off hosting your own group unless the master looter was someone you knew to be trustworthy.
But I do believe if you had loot stolen from you in this manner that’s your fault even after previous loot being handled this way, you weren’t being forced to stay in the group.
I mean at this point I’d just be happy if a 100% guild raid still had ML available. When I see people complain about “BUT THE OFFICERS STOLE IT ALL” I just wonder why they remained in the guild. Or they would still want to remain in the guild even after ML was removed.
“Yeah, my guild’s officers are all selfish and have questionable ethics, but since they can no longer ‘steal’ my raid loot, I don’t mind hanging out with them still!”