Remove force personal loot in guild raids

I main a ret pally so it’s garbage for me, but yeah the same example has happened to me before with multiple healing trinkets and other pieces of gear.

Also they need to fix some of the trinkets dropping for certain specs, like the tank trinket from uunat out of cos, just because it has strength on it shouldn’t mean it drops for a dps spec.

The system would have to be a lot smarter to account for some of the scenarios explained here.

Again, there’s always room for improvement. I’ll bet that it will be improved over time. We’ll just have to see.

Actually the guild I’m in only does Normal and Heroic and we’d love master looter back. I understand that we are in the minority and I understand why. Our guild loot rules were always very simple though–if it’s an upgrade for your main spec you can roll on it–even pugs. In most cases main spec was defined as the spec you were currently using in the raid but there were exceptions–like if the raid leader had asked you to change specs for a particular fight–then you could choose to roll on your real main spec or on your current spec (not both).

What we miss about master looter is it streamlined the loot distribution process. Now if someone gets something they don’t need they have to whisper it to the raid leader who will then put it up for roll so that it can be passed to someone who does need it. (We tried letting people put there own extra loot up for roll but then rolls started overlapping and it got confusing.) The other thing we miss very, very much is the ability to pass on a piece of gear that is a small upgrade for the person who looted it but would be a huge upgrade for someone else. And yes, that happened in our guild all the time even with open rolls because we all understand that we live or die as a guild–all our members need good gear not just the top dps.

So yeah, we’d love to see master looter come back but we understand why that is unlikely to happen.


How would that work? Like if I got an item in Normal then I could trade the mythic version when it dropped?

I guess that would be ok, but then you’d have to farm Norm/Heroic/LFR as a guild and loot as many items as possible. Also you’d probably need a spreadsheet of who has looted what items. This would maybe create more problems than its solving.

You’re not in the minority, though, you’re the majority. Mythic isn’t the majority, never has been and never will be.

Your points are valid, and many have been since the start of the thread, but there are methods to make personal loot smarter to account for systems like that, or even addons to take the place of those improvements.

rc lootcouncil worked great for masterlooter and it works well for personal loot to tell whether an item is tradeable, it’s basically loot council but obviously you have restrictions by whether or not the item is soulbound. But that would’ve made it more streamlined with masterlooter and even easier with personal loot.


So I just skimmed this post OP, but I saw what I needed to address it based on the title.

I detest Master Looter. Had a guild fall apart over its use. That said, in a pure guild run I see no reason it should not be an option. Top tier guilds are circumventing it anyway by stacking runs to feed toons iLevel just so they can trade. They are maxing professions, just to fill the slot.

Was the change necessary? Debatable in its current form. Could it have been left in for a 100% guild run. Absolutely. And should have been IMO

Also, as much as I don’t like Master Looter personally, I don’t think it should have been removed at all.


Tbh they should’ve just left it how it was, then if you want personal loot it should be a majority vote outside of lfr which should be personal loot all the time. There could also be another way to keep a master looter in check in a full on pug though, I don’t know how without involving gms as the system sits now but I’m sure there could be a way.

It would likely be limited to difficulty. So let’s say you’re raiding Mythic, and the baseline item level is 410. You get a trinket at 410, it’s a good trinket, so you equip it. You then get a 425 TF version of that same trinket next week. You now have the choice of trading that your tanking partner, who you probably have some level of friendship with (I hope), so you give him/her the trinket to replace their 385 from last tier, or whatever.

True, but there is nothing in place for someone who gets a 5 ilvl upgrade that is actually a downgrade and they can’t trade it. Or when all your healers are getting loot but the next progression boss is a big dps check. Or when I bring my Blood DK in for M Mekka and get a 420 engine on a toon I literally geared up for one boss and will never play again. The restrictions are just awful tbh.

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But what I’m suggesting is that if you loot it, equip it, then item level is no longer relevant. Yes, it doesn’t address the other problems presented here, but like I said it would require smarter solutions on Blizzard’s end.

My suggestion merely addresses the woes with item level. Basically, if you have the item, bound it to your character, then all future versions of that item should ignore item level.

Neither side gets what they truly want. Blizzard gets what they want, which is you have to equip the item, but you get what you want in the form of +5 or more item level upgrades don’t make a difference on future drops of that same item. This is the happy mediums that I mentioned.

Blizzard isn’t turned off to the idea of genuine suggestions. It does promote internal discussion.

Majority of good guilds LOVED Master Looter. Majority of high end guilds also DID NOT give it to whoever they wanted to friend wise or w/e. Most of the top end guilds actually had a spreadsheets based of tier drops and what class would get the best % increase based of having 2 or 4 set and gear went according to that sheet to improve the guilds performance and make clearing that much easier. Even non extreme high end guilds did not do this most AOTC - entry Mythic guilds had a loot system they followed closely as example my guild was very loyal to KSK. In fact in my 10+ years of WoW I have only ran into 1 guild who ever abused it and it was a alliance guild that seemed to bleed members frequently which I didn’t understand why till I raided with them then It became clear why and I left shortly after.

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While I understand your position it should not be a matter of cozy. I do understand your concern, though.

Let’s take another example. I am a mythic fill in for my guild. I am not on the mythic team. I can’t make the start time to even work my way onto the team. However, I watch the stream to learn the fights, I step in when somebody has to go. I used a lockout to help clear trash because somebody was going to be late. They were not as late as they thought.

No biggie.

Tuesday they did an alt run. Start to gear up alts for easier transitions as needed in the palace. When they discussed the alt raid, the GM and RL said I want to get Mast in there too. He comes when we need him, he watches the streams, knows the fight. I think he has earned it. Everyone agreed. A raider sat so I could go try to get some loot and experience.

That is how master Looter should work. If it didnt work like that in your guild, I would suggest it might be time for a new guild. If it were still around, and. Your guild used it, that is.

Nice logic, but lets review why they removed master loot. Blizzard has put wow on auto pilot and they want to limit how many reports they get about ninja loot this and ninja loot that.

It doesn’t matter that people joined raid/guild knowing the rules. If they feel cheated they will tell mommy! Blizzard doesn’t have time to babysit!

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They have never said this and I would argue that there would be little to no loot tickets if Master Loot was 100% guild groups only. Heck I’ve made 2 loot tickets in BFA because I thought some loot should have been tradable when it wasn’t. I never made a loot ticket in Legion.

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It wouldn’t even be a hard change. All that Blizzard did is cache an item level on each slot for every character, and likely only characters at 120 to even further reduce the data footprint. From there, every time you loot an item in an instance, it checks that item’s slot type and level based on what your highest level was for that slot, and then flags it for tradeability as appropriate. All that they would need to do is store a little more data, and not even much.

They could take store the item and the level for each slot. If the item’s level is lower than the slot level, then it’s obviously eligible for trade. If the item has a higher item level, but you’ve had that item before, or currently have it, then it’s eligible for loot. If you’ve never had the item, its a higher level, then it’s probably better than what you have.

Brewmaster follows (mostly) to an item level is king philosophy, but I know not all specs in the game roll that way. Either way, unless you’re min-maxing I think this is a viable compromise.

You might be right but wow is in one size fits all mode now. No point in arguing it, the writing is on the wall.

Of course they will never admit to putting wow on auto pilot.

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There’s always going to be something people whine about. Casual players for instance in live as it sits right now, complain about having no gear progression, well blizzard catered too much to the casual player and you can basically skip lfr/norm/heroic raiding through world quests-warfronts. But then it comes down to them wanting more gear progression obviously but you don’t need 415+ gear to do your daily world quests/warfronts.

I couldn’t believe people actually pay 15$ a month just to do world quests all day or pet battling. I would think you’d get your moneys worth elsewhere with a handheld and buying a new game every time you beat the previous instead of waiting a year or two for a chance at new content in the 1/100th section of the game you enjoy.

Yeah, I don’t know. I think they need a better upgrade indicator other than ilvl. I think you should be able to decline loot from a boss if you don’t want/need anything from it. I think they need to remove the restrictions from spec to spec for weapons and trinkets.

There are so many issues currently with personal loot, which make sense for pugs, but they make no sense for progression raiding guilds.