Remove force personal loot in guild raids

You’re also using their message as a scapegoat from what your original point was. You can find your original point below. Nowhere in that message does it mention trial abuse or number of guilds disbanding because an arbitrary value went down on some external site.

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Been discussed in depth. The answer is no way!

Master loot:

  1. Is deeply abused. Trial member = serf. Ninja looting.
  2. Allows guilds to progress too fast
  3. Crushes pugging

Lots of of other posts for you to reference.

Want ml? Classic just might be for you.


Because most of the time, those jerk guilds often happen to be A. The only guild that works around a certain player’s schedule B. Other guilds aren’t recruiting undergeared players or C. The guild happens to have the most active and experienced players.

These guilds thrived because of convenience and circumstance that their players desperately needed. I know it’s impossible for you to understand, what with clearly being a Cataclysm player thinking that people could just drop in and out of guilds on a dime, but back in the old days, you couldn’t up and leave a guild and just start fresh like nothing. So you either had to suck it up and deal or suck up to the jerks in hopes that they would throw you a bone.

Master Looter is a tool that only benefits the worst guilds. The playerbase abused it and now it’s removed. Good riddance to bad mechanics.


Not every guild that clears one raid on mythic clears the next raid on mythic. Come on! :rofl:

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You were the one that linked the Q&A where Ion spends the most time talking about trial abuse as the reason for ML being removed. You brought it up, not me.

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It shows the numbers for all boss kills, do you not know how the site works? Boss to boss it’s a similar drop across the board.

I’m not clicking imgur, link me their wowprogress or armory.

You’re kidding me, right? This response reminds me of You took one message out of that clip and treated it as the whole truth. You’re not the only person to do this, and not just in context to Master Loot, but in life. You’re appealing to the masses, with the scope of people being those against the removal of Master Loot.

That’s the example he gave. Had he given you two examples, then you would construct your argument there. Granted, you still haven’t told us why they should bring it back to the game, other than, “My guild… xyz.” However, you said no anecdotes…

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I for one think personal loot is a bad system, firstly if you’re dumb enough not to understand the loot rules before hand and know not to join a group 50% filled with a guild yeah you’re taking a risk and I personally hope they don’t give you the loot you won through a roll.

When ever master looter was a thing I would always either lead the group or make sure there was someone trustworthy to do so when it came to pugging, as far as guilds were concerned I don’t understand this side of it, guilds taking advantage over apps or what have you. Why bother staying if they’re going to be shady? It’s one piece of loot, just leave and find another, but obviously you didn’t do your do-diligence well enough before even applying let alone trialing in their guild to find out that they do this.

Nope. You said cleared, which conveys the point that every boss must be dead. Dropping from boss to boss isn’t a part of what your new point is supposed to be about.

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Taking player choice and social interaction out of an MMORPG is bad in my opinion. Turning this game in to a single player experience hasn’t made it better. Master Loot being removed is just one of the many things contributing to this.

It takes a full coordinated group of 20 skilled players to kill a late mythic boss. Those players should be able to decide what to do with the loot, not Blizzard.


I did like getting a bis healing trinket I never and will never use just not to be able to trade it to the healers that needed it since it never dropped.

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If only all people were wholesome, right? People literally leave out details, and then screw you over in the end. No one said that people stick around for a second or third offence. I think Turnberry stated that at some point, but I found it to be an absurd assumption and moved on.

No one is out looking for a guild expecting someone in that guild, recruiter or not, to be a piece of s&%. Never once have I asked, "Hey, is anyone here a piece of s&% that takes loot from others?" Even if I did, why would they be inclined to answer, “Yes”, as if they’re ashamed by it? That is ignorant.

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Ok you’re just arguing for the sake of arguing now because I guess you don’t have anything else to add besides your made up stories of abusive guilds that you stayed in for years for some reason.

21,000 guilds killed the 2nd to last boss in Uldir, 12,000 guilds have killed the 2nd to last boss in BoD. That’s an even bigger drop in participation! Wow!

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There are plenty of ways to go about it, obviously it’d require some effort/work which most people lack but I stick by what I said. If you’re too lazy to find out what you’re getting yourself into then you deserve what ever you get.

It would be easy to tell. If the guild was mishandling loot and abusing their members consistently, they wouldn’t be a guild 3 weeks later. Unless you believe that the vast majority of WoW players enjoy being abused by tyrannical raid leaders?

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Player choice is gone, I agree. Social interaction? You’re raiding with people, that’s the interaction, and it’s definitely not gone. They removed Master Loot and now it’s a single-player game? :thinking: Don’t stretch too much, you might hurt yourself.

Not relevant.

Why are you saying that Master Loot should only be given to Mythic raiders?


Sure, why not? There is really no reason for it in Heroic anymore since you can just spam M+ or afk in a warfront for the same gear. I would take it as being Mythic only.

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